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Prince Phillip's health

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Who cares?


He's a rude, insensitive overprivileged member of the aristocracy. Whatever he has or hasn't got wrong with him is his private business and not newsworthy.


What are the govt trying to bury now?


HEAR HEAR You get sick of it dont you , A child gets seriously ill in sheffield is a lot more important to me

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HEAR HEAR Well said him and 1.000 more of them


Just watching the BBC news at six, prioroty story, Phillip comes out of hospital, then 7 minuets later second story little boy 4 years old drowns. Hope the BBC get some real brownie points for that and as for you royalist out there, be proud, that phillips health comes before a little boys life. I hate the lot of you and what and who you stand for.

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Don't worry! - All the Royalists probably hate you, too.


If you're not interested in reading about Prince Phillip's health, why do you waste your time looking at the thread?


(Off topic, but: On the One O'clock news, the 'Top Story' was Gu Kaili's 'suspended' death sentence.


That was the top story. A story about a woman who poisoned a Brit and was given a far more lenient sentence than most of her countrymen would have received - probably to save embarrassment to the party.


Then the Beeb spent twice as long eulogising about somebody who jumped off a bridge.)

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The peoples Republic of Great Britain. Sounds good.




Always sounds good, that "peoples" bit. Generally adopted by politicians who have no intention of giving the "peoples" much say in how the country will be run, a choice of parties to vote for and ensuring said politicians will remain in power for life.

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