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What to do about neighbours dog barking


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Neither the council or the RSPCA will be of any help whatsoever. I have a problem with a neighbour who keeps 4/5 dogs in a small outside kennel for 23 hours out of 24. They bark almost incessantly. Despite jumping through hoops, not literally, for the council, still they refuse to act.


I enlisted the help of Angela Smith as she helped draw up the 'animal welfare act'. This brilliant piece of legislation which states what animals should have the right to, like food, water and to be able to express their natural behaviour seems to be unenforceable as the council no longer have the resources to deal with such matters.


I am an animal lover, I feel for these dogs and yet at times I would quite happily throttle the bloody things even though I know that it is not their fault.


I suggest that the OP moves.

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Neither the council or the RSPCA will be of any help whatsoever. I have a problem with a neighbour who keeps 4/5 dogs in a small outside kennel for 23 hours out of 24. They bark almost incessantly. Despite jumping through hoops, not literally, for the council, still they refuse to act.


I enlisted the help of Angela Smith as she helped draw up the 'animal welfare act'. This brilliant piece of legislation which states what animals should have the right to, like food, water and to be able to express their natural behaviour seems to be unenforceable as the council no longer have the resources to deal with such matters.


I am an animal lover, I feel for these dogs and yet at times I would quite happily throttle the bloody things even though I know that it is not their fault.


I suggest that the OP moves.


Are all 5 dogs in one kennel?

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If the dog owner is a council tennant then the council will take note but I've also suggested to the op that when they ask for help they get names and definite commitments and make it clear that they expect a response within a set time period.

I'd love to see the RSPCA be given more powers to fine bad animal owners and ban them from keeping animals if those people have had animals removed

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The coucil were pretty quick to jump all over us when the elderley lady next door claimed she could hear me and my housemates singing "Kum-by-yah" at 3am every day.


We had the council here twice and she'd even reported us to the police. There are no words...



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since posting this thread i have reported the dog to the council again 2 more times as it seems nothing is being done, the dog still barks and howls like mad every morning till early afternoon, ive been round again twice to speak to the women....still didnt answer the door, even though i know that they are in because a small space in the curtains reveal her sitting on the sofa, the dog is still barking upstairs in the bedroom!

yesturday my husband had a day of work as he was ill, the dog woke him up at 4.32am, he got out of bed shouting and banging on the walls because he was sooo fustrated by it all, it didnt make a blind bit of difference! the dog seemed to shut up around 12ish so my husband went back to bed for the afternoon, that is untill 1.37pm when the dog started agin! we are at our wits end by it all.

i talked to some other neighbours this morning and they confirmed that they can hear it too especially the other side of my next door neighbour, she has reported them numerous times and still nothing.

i have reported her to the rspca, i havent heard anything back and i dont think the neighbour has had a visit yet.

if this carrys on much longer we are going to have to move, we dont want to as we have just redecorated but we cannot cope anymore, its putting a strain on our marriage as we are just way too tierd all the time and snapping at each other.

anyway, i just thought id let you all know whats happened so far and i will kepp you all updated.

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How awful - I had this years ago too, drove me to distraction




Check out this link and follow the steps as you have a right to a peaceful home life - if need be get other neighbours to back you up and notify your selfish neighbour with a letter that despite several attempts to let them know about the noise.


Why should you move? You may end up living with another selfish neighbour - better to make a stand?


If all of you work together surely they will get the message!!


All said it is a real shame that these 'animal lovers' subject people to this.


Good ;luck

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Have you thought about trying ear plugs till it is sorted? They will cut out a lot of noise, plus if you can sleep in a room further away from the adjoining wall and close doors, that would help cut down the noise too.


Your neighbour couldn't be deaf could they? If the dog isn't seeming to bother them and they're not answering the door...

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