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What to do about neighbours dog barking


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I would set up your music system so the loudspeakers are close up to her adjoining wall and then take the recording of her dog barking and play it back to her at about 100 decibels. When she comes round and asks you to stop your dog from barking you can explain that you haven't got a dog, but it's a recording of her dog barking as you were under the impression that she really liked it.

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since posting this thread i have reported the dog to the council again 2 more times as it seems nothing is being done, the dog still barks and howls like mad every morning till early afternoon, ive been round again twice to speak to the women....still didnt answer the door, even though i know that they are in because a small space in the curtains reveal her sitting on the sofa, the dog is still barking upstairs in the bedroom!

yesturday my husband had a day of work as he was ill, the dog woke him up at 4.32am, he got out of bed shouting and banging on the walls because he was sooo fustrated by it all, it didnt make a blind bit of difference! the dog seemed to shut up around 12ish so my husband went back to bed for the afternoon, that is untill 1.37pm when the dog started agin! we are at our wits end by it all.

i talked to some other neighbours this morning and they confirmed that they can hear it too especially the other side of my next door neighbour, she has reported them numerous times and still nothing.

i have reported her to the rspca, i havent heard anything back and i dont think the neighbour has had a visit yet.

if this carrys on much longer we are going to have to move, we dont want to as we have just redecorated but we cannot cope anymore, its putting a strain on our marriage as we are just way too tierd all the time and snapping at each other.

anyway, i just thought id let you all know whats happened so far and i will kepp you all updated.


Have you thought about my suggestion of putting a letter through the door or did you choose to ignore all advice given in this thread and just continue to moan :)

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Have you thought about my suggestion of putting a letter through the door or did you choose to ignore all advice given in this thread and just continue to moan :)


i have put a letter through the door and had no reply, although she does give dirty looks my way when she walks up our path! if i try and talk to her she just blanks me and carrys on walking and goes into her house and shuts the door! as i said the women is truly wierd :loopy:

i also sent off 2 emails to epsad and environmental services, both replied with an email saying they have passed it to the animal team. i have phoned the rspca and put forward a complaint and ive also phoned the council humpteen times, ive knocked on her door a few times, i dont know what else i can do,


im sorry if you think im just moaning but im really not, ive took all your advice on board and acting upon it too!


again the dog was barking over the weekend and this morning with no effort from their part to attend to the dog.

ive phoned the council and said i will be giving up my council property and moving into private rent accomadation if something is not done soon, and we will follow through with it.

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kidnap the dog, put it in your bedroom and let it bark...........see how they like it.


:hihi: i would really like to do this, however the dog is obviously not bothering them while they sleep and the dog is in the same house as them! how can anyone sleep through that is beyond me!

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Have you thought about trying ear plugs till it is sorted? They will cut out a lot of noise, plus if you can sleep in a room further away from the adjoining wall and close doors, that would help cut down the noise too.


Your neighbour couldn't be deaf could they? If the dog isn't seeming to bother them and they're not answering the door...


there is the mum and 19 year old daughter living in the property so i doubt they will be both deaf, but no they are not deaf as we talked to them before when we first moved in, very wierd people though, they scared my son last week as they was on the back garden with the dog and they started to sing to my son!!!! my son come running in saying mum them two next door are loopy!!!

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anybody want to exchange house with me ........... please! :hihi:


i am so sorry to see you have problems with your neighbours noise, sadly as long as the council are being paid rent they are not interested, as for exchanging , by telling everyone on here about it, people may be cautious as to whether it is you when wanting to swop, good luck anyway , :D

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I feel for you. I have 2 dogs, which do bark I admit - not excessively, just when giddy or playing, or when someone knocks on the door.


Our neighbours approached our landlord to complain. Fair enough. I wish they had just approached us, as we are polite and would of done something about it. We did what we could, but then another complaint was made. Bear in mind, these neighbours are very noisy too.


One weekday morning, I was off work ill. The dogs were barking downstairs and I could here strange noises outside so I got up to see what was the matter. I walked into the kitchen and saw on our back garden, next door (the wife) waving her arms and shouting the dogs through the window, which of course were going mental, and her husband trying to record it!!!!


I don't think they knew I was home and were deliberately winding the dogs up to bark to try to get us evicted! I still have no idea why. And on reflection, our dogs really didn't bark that much ... just normal behaviour really. I confronted them, and instead of talking rationally they scurried off back into the house, embarrassed at being caught I suppose. So all the time they were accusing my dogs of barking excessively, they were the cause of it. From then, I have witnessed several times, the wife and the kids deliberately winding my dogs up. Banging on the walls, screaming their names through the walls, playing knock a door run and winding them up through the windows.


The best bit is though, we have since found out that the previous 2 tennants of the property moved out due to their noisy family, and believe me they are stupidly noisy. There's the Mum and Dad and 2 kids, and an older kid that comes over often. We are constantly having to listen to 'boom boom' music at 8am in the morning through till lunch time on weekends and the kids literally screaming at each other (I think this is how they communicate, because the mother screams too!). We can often hear every single word and can even sing along to the music they play! When my husband went round, they refused to answer the door ... strange ... so now, as bad as it sounds, I really don't care that my dogs bark. Infact I encourage it when they do as I blame them. They bark at the noise from next door. I am mindful that they don't bark at anti social hours. But I certainly encourage it at 8am on a sunday morning when I can hear every word to LMFAO's sexy and I know it!

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