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What to do about neighbours dog barking


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my next door neighbour is a weird one to say the least but anyway she bought a puppy roughly 8 months ago, they keep the dog in the bedroom next to ours, every morning since they bought the dog it barks and barks and bloody barks, starts at around 4am and continues till around 10am, our walls are paper thin and i can even hear the lady go to the toilet at night, however i havent heard not once her shouting at the dog to be quiet or even get up to see what it is barking for, she just leaves it and it seems just sleeps through! my husband has to be up for work every morning at 5am, its just not on, ive got a recording of the dog barking what it sounds like whilst we are in bed and forwarded it to the council.... this was 3 months ago and still nothing has been done, its getting beyond a joke! our only lay in is a sunday and to be woke up at 4am is not nice... is there anything else i can do, ive been to speak to her but she never answers the door and completly ignores me when i approach her when she lets the dog on the back garden for all of 3 mins, she doesnt even take it for a walk anywhere!

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Me and my wife had the same problem about 3 years ago, and i know what a pain this problem can be, other the posting sleeping pills through the letter box for the dog there is'ant a lot you can do, you can keep and log of them. but the police can do very little. still wealth giving them a call. and making her know that there is a problem

i really hope you get a good ending to this.

and don't let it get between you both, its better to get some earplugs then that.


good luck

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my next door neighbour is a weird one to say the least but anyway she bought a puppy roughly 8 months ago, they keep the dog in the bedroom next to ours, every morning since they bought the dog it barks and barks and bloody barks, starts at around 4am and continues till around 10am, our walls are paper thin and i can even hear the lady go to the toilet at night, however i havent heard not once her shouting at the dog to be quiet or even get up to see what it is barking for, she just leaves it and it seems just sleeps through! my husband has to be up for work every morning at 5am, its just not on, ive got a recording of the dog barking what it sounds like whilst we are in bed and forwarded it to the council.... this was 3 months ago and still nothing has been done, its getting beyond a joke! our only lay in is a sunday and to be woke up at 4am is not nice... is there anything else i can do, ive been to speak to her but she never answers the door and completly ignores me when i approach her when she lets the dog on the back garden for all of 3 mins, she doesnt even take it for a walk anywhere!

Phone 101 they may be able to help.

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I would try again to talk to her before getting officials involved! People often get defensive when you 'report' them and lets face it, you don't need a rift to come between you.


She will (No doubt) not be completely oblivious that this is a problem and may be avoiding you as she is embarrassed/shy or worried about confrontation.


If she simply will not engage with you in a conversation, I would make it clear 'through the wall' that its not acceptable - I would try to tell the dog to be quiet or make loud comments that it is affecting you..... She may then take action. If not, you have no option but to follow the reporting path.


Just my opinion, I hope it works out for you

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thanks all for your replies, the dog walk me and my husband up at 4.30 this morning on our day off and is still at it!!!!! husband is losing his temper now and threatened to go round and i dont want that because i know what he is like!!!

we have banged on the wall, and shouted and still nothing is being done about it, so i phoned 101 and they said they will send someone round but as yet nothing....

im so tierd, fustrated and getting very miffed about this now.

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