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Why should I pay for prescriptions?

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We aren't. A prescription issued by a hospital is chargable at the same rate as one issued by a doctor.


To be accurate, if a hospital decides to supply you with medicines from its own pharmacy there is never any charge. That's why hospitals are supposed to issue a prescription for anything that would normally have come from a doctor, and only supply themselves, drugs which for whatever reason don't come on a normal prescription.


I have had prescriptions from Sheffield Hallamshire hospital and have always had to pay for each item.:huh:

Could someone who knows what they are talking about clear this up?

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I have had prescriptions from Sheffield Hallamshire hospital and have always had to pay for each item.:huh:

Could someone who knows what they are talking about clear this up?


If it's the same item more than once, then you should only pay one prescription charge.


Unless the rules have changed.

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The Irish do not pay for prescriptions.

The Welsh do not pay for prescriptions.

The Scottish do not pay for prescriptions.

OAP's do not pay for prescriptions.

Children do not pay for prescriptions.

Scroungers do not pay for prescriptions.

Asylum seekers do not pay for prescriptions.

EU foreigners working here do not pay for prescriptions.


I have worked for more years than I would like to admit and am STILL paying for prescriptions!

Why should I?

I hate it when i go to the pharmacy...BEFORE GOING ON NIGHTSHIFT! and I am the only one paying....STILL!:rant:


Contact Cameron and Co.

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The Irish do not pay for prescriptions.

The Welsh do not pay for prescriptions.

The Scottish do not pay for prescriptions.

OAP's do not pay for prescriptions.

Children do not pay for prescriptions.

Scroungers do not pay for prescriptions.

Asylum seekers do not pay for prescriptions.

EU foreigners working here do not pay for prescriptions.


I have worked for more years than I would like to admit and am STILL paying for prescriptions!

Why should I?

I hate it when i go to the pharmacy...BEFORE GOING ON NIGHTSHIFT! and I am the only one paying....STILL!:rant:


Do you want one of us to pay for you?We have to pay and so should you.asylum seekers and others pay-they just wind you up by pretending they go for free.I am ascrounger and I have to pay.You doctors should be able to wrangle a free'un somehow.

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If you have to pay for regular medication:

Get a Prescription Pre-payment Certificate. It will save you money.


If your doctor is willing to issue 3 month prescriptions at a time, then get a 3 month PPC when you get your first batch of prescriptions.

Get another 3 month batch of prescriptions in the last week before your PPC expires.


You now have 6 months supply of medication for half the price.

Repeat as required.

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and BTL landlords are lying/cheating scum.....tsk


They are. But the NHS prescription routine is a joke, we already fund it through our taxes. There should not be charges for prescriptions for a very small minority of the population. (English born, inbetween the ages of 18-retirement age, providing they have no long term medical condition, are not studying, are not claiming any means tested benefits).


It means we have to spend more money in the long run employing people to regulate this mad bloody system. We are employing people who should rightfully be on the dole as they do nothing productive, to push paperwork about, whilst denying a very small cohort of taxpayers, medicine which is paid for by their taxes.


It's a joke.

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Hardly anybody pays the fee, and the people you know have non jobs, their jobs are pointless. What a sad way to make a living.



Hardly anyone pays the fee? Can you show me statistics?

As for sad, catching cheats whether it be benefit, tax, insurance or prescription is all worthwhile.

Keep whinging fella. At least reading your constant whines makes me feel better.

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I was prescribed some anti-histamines a few weeks ago. Paid my £7.40 at the chemist only to see exactly the same tablets on sale in Sainsburys for 90p.


Either the doctor or the pharmacist should have advised me that it was cheaper to buy it off the shelf.


Most people would realise that Piriton etc are non-prescribed and a doctor would normally advise a straight purchase.Perhaps you upset the doctor (or pharmacist).

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It's a complete and utter joke. Just lie and tell them you are on benefits, if they ask for prove, say you will take it at a later date.


Failing that, everyone is entitled to free prescriptions if they are issued in a hospital. So be a complete and utter arse about it, if you have a simple cold, ring 999 and get yourself down A&E.


They should issue everyone free prescriptions, or charge everyone £1 nominal.

Some things require a prescription to buy, but cost less privately (amoxacillin is a good example). It can actually be rational to import drugs.


That is not correct, if you have to pay for your prescritions in the chemist, you will have to pay at hospital pharmacy as well

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