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About Pinderson

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  1. :huh:........................................
  2. Probably air in the radiator. it is a common problem. Just get the system hot then CAREFULLY open the screw to bleed the radiator. You will need a cloth.
  3. Yes........................................
  4. We should all take example from our beloved tory leaders and learn how to be millionaires at birth. I would respect our beloved leaders if they gave up all their inherited wealth and began competing with us on an even playing field. Tories will never do this . They dare not as they would lose.
  5. And one flew over the cuckoos nest:loopy:
  6. Tell your dad from me that he was absolutely right.
  7. I am well educated and thus could extend my insults to two lines, but I thought that it may be a little beyond your comprehension.
  8. Do you really think that people are going to waste their time reading all that rubbish?
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