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Who Remembers the old Products

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Here are a few more. Pepserdent toothpaste, Tennants Bitter (before Whitbread got involved), Access your flexable friend, Sherbet dips, Rothmans King Size, Red phone boxes with buttons A & B, Gold Leaf fags, the Sheffield Telegraph, Parking Meters, The chestnut man in pond street.


there was that liquorice stick that looked like tree bark the big blocks of soap, lye i think, that mam used to scrub the shirt collars with and a blue bag that made them come out white ,i never did understand that as a kid, 3 penny wagon wheels that were actually big enough to be called a snack,flavoured crisps were just coming on the market i remember my first packet of cheese and onion in the wmc club at woodhouse, oringillo pop paying a tanner to go into the rex pictures, jublee iced drinks on a summer day and penny mix ups from the shops on woodthorpe,my favourite toffee bar had a picture of a highland long horn cow on it but i cant remember the name ,the man from fairleigh who made kites for 3 pence and penny toffee apples ,where did it all go ?seems like only yesterday sometimes

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there was that liquorice stick that looked like tree bark
You can actually still get liquorice root.
....jublee iced drinks on a summer day
Yep - Jubbly
...i remember my first packet of cheese and onion in the wmc club at woodhouse..
Mine was from the Wadsley Jack in 1961..:)
...my favourite toffee bar had a picture of a highland long horn cow on it but i cant remember the name..
That was McCowans Highland Toffee - see here.
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there was that liquorice stick that looked like tree bark the big blocks of soap, lye i think, that mam used to scrub the shirt collars with and a blue bag that made them come out white ,i never did understand that as a kid, 3 penny wagon wheels that were actually big enough to be called a snack,flavoured crisps were just coming on the market i remember my first packet of cheese and onion in the wmc club at woodhouse, oringillo pop paying a tanner to go into the rex pictures, jublee iced drinks on a summer day and penny mix ups from the shops on woodthorpe,my favourite toffee bar had a picture of a highland long horn cow on it but i cant remember the name ,the man from fairleigh who made kites for 3 pence and penny toffee apples ,where did it all go ?seems like only yesterday sometimes


There was a house on the Circle in the 50s that sold toffee apples, small finger ones on a stick without the apple were either a penny or tuppence, can't recall which, or a proper one for threepence or thereabouts, they were hard work to eat, a big green apple (cooking?) that you had a job to get your gnashers round to bite into!


You'd have a food hygiene inspector round there in a flash nowadays + an income tax commando.

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Monday's in the fifties was wesh day and I was usually sent to the corner shop for a bag of reckitt's blue, a very handy product, not only used for whitening, but dabbed on stings and insect bites. I don't know if it's still around.


I can still get the blue wash stuff but it's now in liquid form, I don't use it as I think it's a bit strong, although we needed it back in the 50s as everyone smoked in the house, dind't they ?

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Most of these posts are about nice sweetie things but does anyone remember the Ughh :gag: things.....I'm thinking of Fennings Fever Cure.....and Scissor Powders ....makes me shudder just thinking of them.

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there was that liquorice stick that looked like tree bark the big blocks of soap, lye i think, that mam used to scrub the shirt collars with and a blue bag that made them come out white ,i never did understand that as a kid, 3 penny wagon wheels that were actually big enough to be called a snack,flavoured crisps were just coming on the market i remember my first packet of cheese and onion in the wmc club at woodhouse, oringillo pop paying a tanner to go into the rex pictures, jublee iced drinks on a summer day and penny mix ups from the shops on woodthorpe,my favourite toffee bar had a picture of a highland long horn cow on it but i cant remember the name ,the man from fairleigh who made kites for 3 pence and penny toffee apples ,where did it all go ?seems like only yesterday sometimes


McCowans Highland Toffee - it was my favourite too - 3d. a bar in the 5o's.

Someone also did one with a yellow banana flavoured stripe in the middle which was quite tasty.

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