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Brian Laws resigns


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It doesn't really matter whether he resigns or not. Any new manager would be in exactly the same position; no money for players, same group of players who don't have any reason to put any effort in since they know they'll get picked regardless.


The only way anything changes is if we bite the bullet and go into administration. We'll be relegated but at this rate we're going to be anyway. At least we'll be able to restart with a clean slate and rebuild properly. Dreaming about mythical investors won't change a thing. Nobody in their right mind would buy a club with our debt.


My 2p.


Hey CathS, you've got my old avatar! :D

Edited by Funky_Gibbon
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like you can afford him:)


Curbs, cotts, reid, davy, alexandra, shearer, are all available and out of contract:) i.e cheaper than an employed manager.


If its true its not adding to the stability of the club, what messages are being sent to investors?


Skint, no manager , bottom of table , Mr " muppet " Straffords doing well.


I hope its untrue and Laws is still in a job.



It said in the paper today (so it must be true!) that Danny Wilson is already lined up to take over!

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Merlin the magician to Hillsborough or a whole new team is needed, a new manager will make no difference, give it a few week's if a new manager did come in and once the honeymoon period ends people will be calling for his head too.

The player's what we have are "rank" blame Law's all you like he can only play what his gaffer gives him, which is near to nothing.

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Merlin the magician to Hillsborough or a whole new team is needed, a new manager will make no difference, give it a few week's if a new manager did come in and once the honeymoon period ends people will be calling for his head too.

The player's what we have are "rank" blame Law's all you like he can only play what his gaffer gives him, which is near to nothing.


Nice to see people coming round to my way of thinking.

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