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Heartless driver near Crookes Post Office - didn't slow down for pedestrian

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Oh perhaps some people need too say frankie says RELAX and note that half the stuff said on here has a little tounge in cheek element about it.

Tounge in cheek aside, you'll be 82 someday and there will still be little pale green cars been driven by thugs

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Tounge in cheek aside, you'll be 82 someday and there will still be little pale green cars been driven by thugs


Nonsense - by the time we're 82, everyone will be commuting by jetpack or and cars will be a thing of the past, so unless we've grown a pair of wings none will be run over ever again. Now that's progress!

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would it be such a big deal if it was some one younger????would u still have started this thread?


The problem is that the elderly don't 'bounce back' as well as a younger person - even if there isn't a physical injury, the shock can cause all sorts of health problems a short time afterwards. I hope the gent in question has recovered - well done him for getting out of the way so quickly !

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