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Bad Sheffield Drivers!

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people who, overtake on the inside on motorways.


dont sit in the middle lane then mate,if they can undertake you that must mean their's room for you to move over and be overtaken in the correct manor!!!thats your bad driving that causes that,if you moved over you'd have no need to complain about it!


No no no, you miss the point.


It's not possible to use a motorway correctly if you use just the inside lane. That is why there are three lanes, all designed to be used. I like to think I use them correctly and, in doing so I have to leave the inside lane now and then.

Often I am on busy motorways and there would not be enough room for all the cars to be in one lane.

But back to the point, as I said earlier sometimes people are in the fast lane behind a car that is usually speeding anyway, but they can't wait and suddenly see a gap and swerve into the inside lane to get past.


This is on my list because I have on occasions been about to move back to my position in the inside lane when I have spotted one of these people in my mirror coming up the inside.


However, if you feel it is all my fault, then you are entitled to your opinion.

Edited by andrejuan
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theres a lot of bad drivers on our roads nowadays! people get aggresive and it causes road rage, If people was a little more considerate , and calmed down with their temper tantrums and stop spitting their dummies out, the roads would be a safer place to be on,

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No no no, you miss the point.


It's not possible to use a motorway correctly if you use just the inside lane. That is why there are three lanes, all designed to be used. I like to think I use them correctly and, in doing so I have to leave the inside lane now and then.

Often I am on busy motorways and there would not be enough room for all the cars to be in one lane.

But back to the point, as I said earlier sometimes people are in the fast lane behind a car that is usually speeding anyway, but they can't wait and suddenly see a gap and swerve into the inside lane to get past.


how can you be under taken if a car is already in the inside lane travelling slower than you?if your going at a slower speed try moving over and you wont get undertaken

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Io then get in the wrong right hand lane of the roundabout to go straight on...so he raced throughl lane then moved across into the left lane infront of a car...it was the one outside Morisons in Halfway so its only a small roundabout no room to be cutting people up like that. How do these people get away with it because I guess they drive badly all the time so why dont the police ever see them? no point reporting it because its my work against his



Unless i've got the wrong roundabout, the one outside Morrisons is marked in both lanes for traffic to go straight on (as you approach it with Morrisons on your left). Then if you go straight ahead there are also arrows telling vehicles to merge into one lane as you come off, so the guy wasn't actually doing anything wrong.


People that have no idea what all the lanes are for on motorways.


People that drive too slowly everywhere regardless of the conditions.


17 year old takeaway drivers doing 50-60mph in a 30 zone past my house every night in chavved up 1.2 corsas with drainpipe exhausts.


Lack of indication, Although Sheffield isn't as bad as Milton Keynes for this, the drivers there seem to have had special lessons - when turning right at a roundabout you indicate right as you enter it, then leave the same indicator on all the way around and when you exit. :mad:


Tailgaters on the motorway when it's obvious there is a line of traffic in front of you. No, i'm not moving over to let you go one car in front.


Anyone with a 'baby on board' sign. Because all the cars that don't have one I tend to ram into. No wait, actually I don't :rolleyes:

Edited by anitajm
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how can you be under taken if a car is already in the inside lane travelling slower than you?if your going at a slower speed try moving over and you wont get undertaken


The car in the inside lane is travelling slower, so the car overtaking (me) is travelling faster, with me so far?

Obviously, I will be passing that car yeah?

Then once past it, and a safe distance in front (they reccommend at least 4 car lengths at these speeds) before pulling back into that lane.

Check mirror, someone has moved across behind me and taken the chance to come up the inside because the fast lane is not fast enough.

Edited by andrejuan
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The private hire drivers who fly past you in the bus lane with the green light whilst you wait patiently with all the other minions at the red light stopping the private traffic..... only for the bus lane to get the red light before they go through. Smug gets!!


Do they honestly think that I am now going to wave them out in front of me so they can now go through the lights I was patiently queueing at before they got stopped?


They'll try to bully their way into the line, but I won't give way .... even if it means a collision. Some dozey bugger further back will though, you bet.


No chance, pal, I'm working for a living as well!!!

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The idiots who fly down the bottom bit of Walkley lane, overtaking parked cars in the middle of the road, never giving way to traffic coming up hill and shouting "it's a one way street" as I shout back "no it's not w****r".

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People who drive on A roads in good conditions at 40 mph. I've got places to be, I'm not out to see the scenery at the side of the A57.


Not everyone has to drive at the maximum speed limit for the road. 40 mph in a 50mph limit seems fine to me. If you find that you are being held up by slower drivers, perhaps you should leave earlier!

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Not everyone has to drive at the maximum speed limit for the road. 40 mph in a 50mph limit seems fine to me. If you find that you are being held up by slower drivers, perhaps you should leave earlier!

You should be up to the speed limit if conditions allow, otherwise you can be pulled for driving without due care & attention. Time to have another look at your highway code.

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Hesitant and indecisive drivers annoy me. I do enjoy being intimidating in my stickered up, slightly battered 4x4. Not to smaller drivers mind, but to arrogant drivers in posh cars. I know exactly how wide my car is and what gaps I can get through. Just because your in a posh car doesn't mean I'm going to move for you. Normally there is around an inch of clearance, and watching the blood drain from their face is priceless.


It's quite easy to be a good driver. Be decisive, patient and above all pay attention.

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