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Ketamine, the drug?

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I used to use it as an anaesthetic drug.

1/. Works by intramuscular injection, so we could put a burnt child off to sleep before having to probe for veins;

2/.It was claimed to be "safe" for doctors working alone in primitive conditions, as repiratory depression was supposed not to relate to depth of anaesthesia/ analgesia (I don't trust this!), and I suppose its use as a DIY "social" drug may bear this out.


Use in adults was often followed by hallucinations; I often gave Diazepam (Valium) to reduce these. Usually, I used it IM where venepuncture was difficult, and established the IV immediately the patient was too far out to notice the needle.

By no means my favourite anaesthetic agent, and I'd sure not use it recreatonally (but then, I don't use any drug that way)

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Ain't this drug used for Horses? deadly to humans, don't go there!!!!


Possibly deadly in large doses. It's really not too bad in small infrequent or one-off amounts.


To the OP - I've heard it can cause kidney damage and some damage to your nose if taken regularly (hope he's not). It's the sort of drug if taken with unfamiliar people in a strange place could be dangerous as it basically does tranquilise you to an extent, at a high dose.

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I wouldn't say it was a particularly nasty drug. Its hardly in the same league as crack and heroin. It's always a bit sad to see kids off their head on it in clubs cos its not a club drug really, very dosage dependant so a little bit can be a right laugh, a little bit more and you're in a K hole fast asleep and off in narnia for half an hour! Wouldn't have thought it would be very harmful if treated with respect since its a legal anesthetic.

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I wouldn't say it was a particularly nasty drug. Its hardly in the same league as crack and heroin. It's always a bit sad to see kids off their head on it in clubs cos its not a club drug really, very dosage dependant so a little bit can be a right laugh, a little bit more and you're in a K hole fast asleep and off in narnia for half an hour! Wouldn't have thought it would be very harmful if treated with respect since its a legal anesthetic.


Excellent post-couldnt agree more :thumbsup:

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There is research going on currently which may well see it used as a treatment for depression in a few years time. The standard 'nasty drug' comments usually come from people who know nothing about it other than it's connectons to the veterinary trade.

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Can any one tell me anything about this street drug Ketamin, I think I've spelt it right, my son confessed to taking it after behaving really weird.

its a horrible drug :(

and the come down off it is even worse i tried it once and a friend of mine uses it, best if comes off it to be honest

another effect of over use is his gums will recede

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I wouldn't say it was a particularly nasty drug. Its hardly in the same league as crack and heroin. It's always a bit sad to see kids off their head on it in clubs cos its not a club drug really, very dosage dependant so a little bit can be a right laugh, a little bit more and you're in a K hole fast asleep and off in narnia for half an hour! Wouldn't have thought it would be very harmful if treated with respect since its a legal anesthetic.


Exactly. Much more realistic and informative than most of the stuff on this thread.

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