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Ketamine, the drug?

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I wouldn't say it was a particularly nasty drug. Its hardly in the same league as crack and heroin. It's always a bit sad to see kids off their head on it in clubs cos its not a club drug really, very dosage dependant so a little bit can be a right laugh, a little bit more and you're in a K hole fast asleep and off in narnia for half an hour! Wouldn't have thought it would be very harmful if treated with respect since its a legal anesthetic.


video killed the radio star


ketamine killed the dance music scene

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I wouldn't say it was a particularly nasty drug. Its hardly in the same league as crack and heroin. It's always a bit sad to see kids off their head on it in clubs cos its not a club drug really, very dosage dependant so a little bit can be a right laugh, a little bit more and you're in a K hole fast asleep and off in narnia for half an hour! Wouldn't have thought it would be very harmful if treated with respect since its a legal anesthetic.


Im glad there are some vaguely semsible people on here still. This is a much more balanced view rather than all that "it WILL kill you if you so much as look at someone who once took ket" attitude.

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I've never tried it because I've been put off by seeing people on it, rolling around in the mud, unable to get up, stumbling all over the place, and I saw one fellah pee himself. Moderate use doesn't do any long term harm though, I've been at festivals where hundreds of people were using it, and there were no physical casualties, although I did see one fellah who was a basket case, but that may not have been entirely due to the ketamin

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