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Everything posted by froggi

  1. You think that's bad.... Made the mistake of going to the Lincoln Christmas Fair.... Park and ride £15 and saw crap all apart from peoples backs as we were swept along by the rest of the crowd. Organisers must have made a fortune as there were thousands there..... No parking in Lincoln near the site or the residential areas surrounding. I'm amazed that no one was hurt as I felt there was an accident waiting to happen. First time and certainly the last, I wont be going ever again
  2. Make you own taxman, it's easy honest and quite a good replica... and you can make it to your own taste by tweeking the recipes that are easily found online.... Been making it for a couple of years now and will be doing some in the next week or so..... Either that of just get do to your local Aldi (other cheap but quality stores are available)
  3. You're using Tanqueray for Sloe Gin!!!! I'm coming round your house to have some..... Quality gin that but I'd be tempted to use a lesser quality gin to make it with. Happy faces and souls in neeeeeeeeeeks house this Chrimbo.. Nice one!!
  4. Try this one.... and tweek to your own tastes Defrost some ready made puff pastry and roll out to approx 5mm or so thickness (up to you have thick you want the pastry top really) Chicken (diced into 1"/25mm chunks), pan fried, on a medium heat, in a little veg oil (1tbsp) until nicely golden/cooked and place on kitchen paper to drain, leaving as much of the oil on the pan as poss. Finely diced onions - fry off in the pan you used for the chicken... When the onions start to become translucent sprinkle some flour into pan, stir in and cook until onions are coated and the oil is absorbed into flour ('bout another 5 mins) Chicken stock cube (made up to a pint) or a tin of chicken soup - pour into pan and heat through. Make sure you scrape around in the pan to release the "crusty bits" (Crusty bits= more flavour. Place chicken into an oven proof dish (pyrex, ceramic or whatever you have that's appropriate but NOT plastic obviously) and pour over the sauce. Mix an eggy wash (one egg broken into a cup and beated), and lightly brush around the top of the dsh(if the dish has a wide rim. Cap with rolled out pastry and crimp edges of (use a fork or you thumb - not your grannies false teeth!!!) and brush the pastry top with more eggy wash. Place in a preheated oven 180-200C/Gas6 for around 20-30 mins or until the pastry is golden brown. Serve with veg (as last poster), chips or whatever you like to eat a an accompaniment. I've cooked a variety of savoury pies like this for years and never, ever failed to produce something that's tasty and pleasing to people sat at my table. Oh and feel free to experiment. I cook regularly in our house and am self-taught.... The more you cook, the more you get a "taste" for what goes with what and what works also.... Above all, don't be afraid to try things. Good luck!!
  5. Agree here with Mucky Murphy... Gift voucher for a decent wine merchant is a good idea or if you prefer to shop in person, try Mitchells at Meadowhead.... The place is like a Tardis. Looks wuite small when you see the frontage but goes back quite a way and the advice is good too..... Wide range of wines, spirits, liquers and beers etc... Also do cigars for that Christmas "chuff-chuff"... Good luck with whatever you decide BSD
  6. Unprepared or incorrectly prepared particle baits can injure and kill fish. This is why many waters have banned them. Particles are cheap and effective, and recommended.
  7. if you mean the culinery classic that is the sheffield fishcake then you have to take that statement back...... it's like having fish and chips in one mouthful..... the oh hates them with a passion but i have to admit loving 'em.... with salt and vinegar, hendo's or just on it's own, the sheffield fishcake is king
  8. depending on your location, try the kitchenware shop in crystal peaks or there is a shop in chesterfield that sells quality knives.... it's near the market place i seem to remember..... alternatively most large stores sell that sort of thing.... me, i just buy what i need.... got a cracking 10 inch cooks knife that does many jobs for just over 30 quid and a cheap knife set that deals witht he other jobs.... probably not what you need to hear but hope you find the ideal set... remember the tangs need to be all the way through the handle and the blades need to be fairly flexible - for steel knives that is - happy shopping
  9. Not enjoyed it as I wasn't aware it was on... Lack of advertising maybe, also due to that fact we're skint even at this early stage of the month.... Maybe organisers could think about scheduling future events around most peoples payday, usually around the last week of the month.... Just a couple of thoughts there
  10. I'll have the chicken wire off you if you've still got it
  11. Sorry guys but have to add a couple here and I'm sure there'll be detractors too.... Serenity (and the spin off series Firefly).... Cowboys n Injuns in space!!! Fifth Element Resident Evil (and the follow-ups... cheese I know but Milla Jovovich makes it all worth it) although they can be classed as horror by some - the last two choices could be seen as developing a theme in relation to Ms Jovovich I actually enjoyed Lost In Space (Boo's all around I hear, but Gary Oldman carried Dr Smith off really well I thought and I can remember the original TV series.... Oh the pain!!) Try following the new incarnation of BSG (Battlestar Galactica) - series I know but there are a couple of backstory tv movies (Razor etc)...
  12. Hi Joanne Would be interested in some greenhouse panes... What sizes are we looking at and when/where are you? Cheers Chris
  13. Hi Repo..... go on then.... How much is "going cheap"?? Ooops for to ask, were they were shot using a "shottie" or airgun?
  14. Just looked at A Plant for hiring a rotavator as just moved and wanting to prep the bottom of the garden at our new house.... You're having a giraffe aren't you??? Best part of £200 for a weeks hire!!!! Gee'ower!!!
  15. Mine was a 17lb 4oz-er from a gravel pit at the side of the A14 in Kettering when I lived there.... On Chum mixer, surface fished as I was very, very bored..... And on light tackle too..... 4lb mainline straight through to barbless hook on a 13ft float rod..... played for about 20 mins (well it seemed like it anyway)
  16. Moving to a new house with a reasonable sized garden and a ideal veg plot at the bottom of the garden too.... any ideas where I might get a burdock plant from as I want to use the tap root for an alcoholic brew for the future?? Cheers in advance
  17. Had horse meat steak when I was a kid (long time ago now...).... As I remember it was very tasty!!!!
  18. Medusa, where's the text speak as you put it??? Also this is Sheffield related if you're driving on Sheffield roads and being blinded by these very bright and illegal headlights!!!!! I also think this type of "accessory" is a nuisance on our roads and may be a possible contributory factor to some RTA's. I experience regular residual images after being dazzled by cars coming the other way whilst night-time driving due to bright headlights on "modified" and newer vehicles.
  19. Some salient points have been made through this thread but I offer this - when in a public place (for this read street, pavement or by the side of moving traffic), my dog is always on his lead. Only when I get to a reclaimed area (an old pit site) do I let him off to run free. There have been incidents in the past (he's a rescue dog, rather large and fairly formidable) when we first got him, that caused distress to other people and he (and I) was threatened as he went on to private land. I learned a valuable lesson there so on the lead it is until appropriate to release him. He had a bad start and is now on his fourth set of owners (he's only just gone 4 years old anyway) and we are not going to give up on him so have decided to get some training (he's a clever sod anyway, it's us that seemingly needs the training, lol) But to make a further point about having dogs on a lead, there's one owner who walks his black lab past our house who doesn't seem to know what a lead is, let alone use one... Anyhow, this day I was taking the big lad for a walk as per, when suddenly this dog charged at him, snarling and barking, teeth bared only to veer off at the last moment. A boot was being lined up I can tell you but a "That dog should be on a lead" was uttered instead. The result of this comment??? A blank look and a continued walking with this "aggressive" animal loose..... An ad for using a lead maybe?? Who knows?? Answers on a postcard please!!!
  20. RedBaron.... I've just started curing my own bacon with supermarket bought joints.... fairly reasonable results so far if I say so myself..... blanco..... Was thinking about my own butchering, but with no real experience myself but with a bit of reading and looking at a diagram, I might be able to do it after a fashion, lol
  21. Obviously at the end of Woodbourn Road??? Since when has Woodbourn Road been in Darnall???? It's so close to Attercliffe Road you could spit and hit the Carlton pub from the canal !!!
  22. Rother Valley is S21 and there's plenty of space to walk a dog there
  23. Looking at buying meat by the side (ie half a pig/lamb/steer) either by share or lone purchase.... by that I mean I'm willing to share the cost with someone else or if needs be, full cost alone. Does anyone know of a source reasonably local to Sheffield where I can buy meat, either as a side of meat (that'd be half a carcass) or butchered, at a reasonable price? Cheers in advance
  24. China produce a lot of "meat" for the export market.... I've tried frozen diced rabbit and found it lacking in flavour and not really very nice.... I agree with discodown, cook it long and slow, add some good flavours and you'll be hard pushed to beat it or go wrong... Live a little, lol!!!!
  25. Where on God's earth is the tram stop at Darnall?
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