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Big Sigh

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Everything posted by Big Sigh

  1. Hi all Just an update about the spraying licence. Apparently the council do a course for there parks and gardens staff a couple of times a year. I have put my name forward for this course so hope fully will be hearing from them soon.
  2. I took my level 1 horticulture in 1984 then changed career, years later 2011 made redundant so now doing level 2 and hopefully either gain employment or go back to college to do either level 3 or an apprenticeship all at the age of 45:shocked:
  3. Yeah its just under £400 at TKFTraining which is nearer to me.
  4. Many thanks for this, apology's for not being able to respond my bad (now corrected i think). I am currently at college and the one thing some employers are asking for is the spraying license. I shall send them an email for prices etc. Once a again thanks.
  5. Hi I i am after some information on obtaining a PA1 - PA6 spraying license. I have applied for jobs and some employers require a spraying license. Is there any where in Sheffield that will do the required course. The license is for the application of herbicides and pesticides this is why its in the A & G section, if its in the wrong section feel free to move.
  6. I am all for working for your dole money i.e a work trial, if their is a possible job at the end or at least a guaranteed interview but sadly if this is how company,s like sTrESCO and the like what hope is their. No wonder the UK is called the sweatshop of europe.
  7. I would start by having a look at the contract of employment first (if he has one) secondly take the contract to a C.A.B or a solicitor.
  8. I am not to sure when they are open but they do say public toilets on the door. I have used them in the past.
  9. There are public toilets in the bowling green club house
  10. I know some blocks are better than others other wise its not a bad little estate.
  11. The estate itself is not bad i know they have CCTV and a neighbourhood watch. The flats are pretty good as for the noise its not that bad or any more worse than any where else. Which block was it odds or evens ?
  12. Its not the first time that this has happened. I was coming back at night from a meeting and kept hearing the helicopter but could not see it eventually i saw it and had no flashing beacons nothing but was just hovering some 400 to 700 feet up ....must have been in stealth mode.
  13. When people say what's it like on Whatever Road have a walk around the area. Go a couple of times of the day and night and get a feel for the area. Have a look for clues, are there boarded up houses, is their vandalism smashed up bus shelters,fly tip, graffiti and unkempt gardens. if there is then its probably not a good place to live. On the other hand if the gardens are kept tidy,streets are clean, no boarded up houses or vandalism then i would say its an ok estate. At the end of the day an estate is what you make it.
  14. I saw some flytip the other day although i did not see any body is there a number (apart from 101) or email that you can send photos to.
  15. 3-4 years ago when i first started using computers/laptops i would always buy anti virus usually Norton but i was uneducated but now 3-4 years later i do not buy any anti-virus/malware programmes. I use AVG and Anti Malware and never had a problem. Why pay for something when you can get it for free.
  16. Wishing all Forum users (and abusers) a merry Christmas and a happy new year and i will look forward to the New Year. Merry Christmas
  17. Both Halifax and Lloyds are having essential maintenance done. Would be nice to know from the banks themselves without having to find the answer on Yahoo answers.Makes you wonder who really is in control of "our" money.
  18. But what if the allotments can be put to good use for O.A.Ps etc etc.
  19. Remember the quote "A dog is for life not just for Christmas" and you will be fine.
  20. I have noticed limescale recently on my kettle. I have had the kettle 2 years with no build up of lime scale until recently. Tea is not tea with limescale bits in the bottom of the cup.
  21. Its good to know that your ok,its even better to know that there are some decent folk about.
  22. I have recently started college having been made redundant. If you are getting any benefits they will pay part or all of your course fee,s although there are certain conditions (what ever they are) If you go down to your local college and speak to the principle they will put you in touch with person you need to speak to.
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