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Everything posted by billo

  1. I saw the tanks being put in the ground but they looked a bit small for petrol station tanks.
  2. The Star was very misleading because they did not say that the cross is huge.
  3. I don't agree with what those Christians were saying but I do agree in their right to say it.
  4. The Bee's dying and thats all the types of Bee's including honey Bee's over the last few years is a big problem because without the Bee's we cannot survive.
  5. Maybe the website but their not going to get into the PNC.
  6. I lived on Park Hill in the 80s for 4 years and loved my time there.
  7. At 7.30 am the morning is almost over so what is the problem.
  8. The Mental Health Services in Sheffield are crap due to a huge shortage of money.
  9. I was asked by a blond girl with bad teeth on Southey shops if I could spare her £1 for food on Saturday. May be the same girl.
  10. Born in Nether Edge hospital on the 6th of June 1970.
  11. When I was a kid in the 1970s I lived near Parkwood and every summer the grass was burning so this is not a new thing up there.
  12. He was not suspended because he endorsed the dress policy, he was suspended because he made it public about what was going on. He did the right thing and what has happened to him for it is just wrong.
  13. He won't get much help and believe me I know. I am in a lot of pain because of my Mental Health Problems and there is not much help for me because there is no money to help and I really do need help now.
  14. I did get SDS because I have been on a section 3 but they have been withdrawn like a lot of other peoples SDS. My CPN did reapply for them but it was turned down and then he appealed but lost. Which leaves me buggered. I cannot blame my CPN because he did all he could for me.My CPN is getting very frustrated with it all because the Mental Health Services expect him to help me but what can he do without any funding to help me.
  15. Care in the community is a joke because there is no money to make it work. My CPN says there is lot that could be done to help me but they have no money to do it. So the system is failing me and a lot of people like me that really need their help. I am in a lot of pain because of what I have to do to myself but if I had the help and support that I need I may not have to self harm to deal with my problems. I WANT SOMEBODY TO HELP ME BUT THERE IS NO REAL HELP ANY MORE unless I could afford to pay for it which I can't.
  16. You are wrong, They can lock people up under the mental health act for their own safety on a section and now a lot of these people will end up in cities they do not know which is not good but there are many more people that need and want to be admitted on to a ward but there was not enough beds to start with and now it is going to get a lot worse. Even my CPN and consultant both admit that this may end in people taking their own lives when it could be avoided.
  17. The Rowan Ward is in the Longley Centre and only part of the Longley centre is new. The Rowan Ward is closing and not being replaced or moving.The new part just replaces a different part of the Longley Centre. The Rowan Ward is closing down.
  18. My CPN told me on Monday that it was closing. They are not admitting anybody now.
  19. Went to Asda on the cross yesterday and a hell of a lot of the fresh meat was on its use by date or very close to it and still being sold at full price. I think it is time to rethink were I shop.
  20. The Government has been telling us lately that it wants to improve the mental health services all across the country and in Sheffield as with many other cities and towns for a long time there has not been anywhere near enough beds for everybody that needs them in the hospitals and now they are closing down the Rowan Ward in the Longley centre which is the largest ward in the city. This will leave about 50 beds in one of the biggest cities in the country. Is it me or does anybody else see the madness and stupidity in this. When people need help and there are no beds for them what is going to happen to them. I really would like to know what other people think about this.
  21. I used this path many times and would love to be able to use it again.
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