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  1. After a recent OS update to Fairphone3+ family members trying to contact me were greeted with 'line busy' sound. The only temporary solution was for me to put the GiffGaff SIM into my old 1+ 3T. In the early hours of this morning I delved into the GiffGaff settings. The preferred voice call network was set to 4G, changing this to 3G got rid of the 'line engaged' issue. However, the network symbol at the top of the phone still shows an exclamation mark over the network signal icon of a right-angled triangle.
  2. Well not had any issues with PCLinuxOS - apart from the fact I had to downgrade to a GT440 that I purchased off e-bay. Apparently PCLinuxOS doesn't like GT1030's but then again, we know what Linus thinks of nvidia! https://www.theverge.com/2012/6/17/3092829/linus-torvalds-****-you-nvidia GNU/Linux is about freedom to do with your computer what you want to do with it. The GNU/Linux you install is yours, not licensed, and can be installed on as many computers as you like. During Lockdown until I retired, the only thing I needed Windows for (as a VM inside of Devuan 3.0 running virt-manager) was to access a shared mailbox that I could not get settings for from IT. I did however manage to work out how to get Evolution synced with my works Outlook365 mail account myself. The IT guys hadn't made a good job of hiding the settings, covered by a white window, left-clicking it allowed me to remove the whiteout to view the settings but I could have checked it out online anyways! Also, to access the private website to access the shared drive on the server took me 3 logins to access via Edge on the VM. Juse one login with Remmina Remote in GNU/Linux. Oh, and the only other thing I needed Windows for was because I changed from FerenOS to Devuan was that the free Braille Translation program had changed it's GNU/Linux packaging (one library) that would not allow it to run in Devuan, so had to use the Windows Version. I also got work to adopt Jitsi Meet for group meetings as Teams just sucked and hang. I only use Windows 7 Pro 65-bit to update my website, which isn't often. (This post written on my Q40S Plasma Desktop).
  3. I've been with Zen ineternet after TT screwed up my internet during lockdown. No price icreases at all. Obviously this will end come end of December 2025 when I will be using my Smarty data card (or whatever sim is the cheapest) in my ZTE usb dongle.
  4. From a privacy view, un-Googled Chromium - haven't figured it out how to install on my GNU/Linux rig ... yet. For now using Firefox. Brave splatters GNU/Linux machines from what I have picked up on the Zorin forum. Brave has a good search engine, so I use Firefox with Mojeek.com (uncensored privacy search engine), which also offers alternative search engines if you don't get the result you were looking for. Brave search engine is my first alternative and only choice, and you don't get all the Brave Bitcoin malarky!
  5. And the other Windows Classic - the system was installed with known hardware - change the hardware and it loses it's rag - thinks you have change the machine the OS was installed on. At least you don't have that issue with GNU/Linux!
  6. I've already commented elsewhere about this. When you see the adverts for the major ISP's they do include the small print that rental rates will increase in March of each year by the current rate of inflation, plus 3%! That is why I will be moving to a 4g dongle attached to my router, come end of next year when copper gets switched off. And avoid having to buy a digital handset. All relatives have been notified of this move!
  7. Interesting topic. Have you all noticed these wonderfully 'low-priced' deals from the main ISP's lately. In the small print on the TV adds you are warned that on the 31st March in subsequent years the rental goes up by the rate of inflation, PLUS 3%. That is why when FTTH becomes the only option for current users of FTTC after 31st December, I will be switching to a 4G Dongle attached to my router!
  8. It's the same for e-mail. I have had various spam messages turn up in my business email - just delete them.
  9. In relation to the topic FTTH will be the only option for those wanting internet use when copper gets switched off at the end of 2025. But that last sentence was a red herring. My router supports USB 4G dongles, and I have purchased a ZTE dongle that came with a SMARTY data sim, but think I should have purchased the one with up to 10 device support! So currently I am with Zen Internet. My package comes to £36.49 currently, includes internet at £29.99 p.m. and £6 for landline phone. If I were to move to the lowest FTTH package it is virtually what I pay for internet and phone, and if I wanted to use Digital Landline, that is a further £7. So swapping to a 4G connection is a no brainer as it works out at half the price. In addition, AFAIK, DECT phones will not work with Fiber, so any oldies reliant on landline will need to purchase a new handset that works with Fibre - which begs the question, will you need to take out an internet plan just to use a digital phone?
  10. If you only use the notebook for what you say you use it for, why not save your money and put a nice lightweight distro on it like Q4OS Trinity Desktop Environment. I wouldn't by a Chromebook or any eMMC notebook - if any part fails it becomes immediate e-waste and an introversion of Apple - the OS can't be updated after a couple of years. https://q4os.org/
  11. If privacy is of concern then I can highly recommend a Fairphone from the e.foundation. Fairphones are made of recycled materials. Why the e.foundation? Because it comes with an un-Googled Android OS. I moved from 1+ after I learned the founder is now part of a conglomerate wanting us to eat insect burgers! My current phone is a Fairphone 3+ that replaced my One Plus 3T and I am very pleased with it. It comes with a replaceable battery so no need to upgrade. When I got the phone it came with Android 9 or 10, currently on Android 13. Fairphne official site: https://www.fairphone.com/ e.foundation shop: https://murena.com/products/smartphones/?wcpbc-manual-country=GB
  12. Yes, just like the Canon A3 Printer I recently took to the recycle depot!
  13. Never established if this is a desktop or notebook (I refuse to use the other name for notebooks as it evokes bad practice!}
  14. I can't remember what model of printer it was, but it was an HP printer at one of my clients after I had to reinstall Windows for them. Hp requires that you connect the USB cable to the PC then go into an interface on the computer to allocate an IP address for the Printer. Wants this has been setup you should be able to print wirelessly. Suggest you follow the online guide here: https://support.hp.com/gb-en/document/ish_10948849-10948921-16
  15. It has been a while since I used OpenShot. I used the GNU/Linux version many years ago but it deteriorated when I was trying to edit videos at work. KDEnlive is now much improved and is my get go video editor for uploading tutorial/informational videos to my Vimeo account. https://kdenlive.org/en/download/ "Kdenlive Subtitle Translation Based on the search results, Kdenlive provides several options for subtitle translation: Automatic Translation using SeamlessM4T: Introduced in Kdenlive 24.05.0, this feature allows for automatic translation of subtitles using SeamlessM4T. This was developed as part of the Season of KDE (SoK) and was mentored by the Kdenlive team. Manual Translation: You can manually translate subtitles by importing a subtitle file, editing the text, and then exporting it in the desired language. This process does not involve speech recognition. Whisper Integration: Kdenlive also supports Whisper, an AI-powered speech-to-text engine, for generating subtitles. However, this feature does not provide direct translation capabilities. Instead, it generates subtitles based on audio input. Important Notes: For automatic translation using SeamlessM4T, the subtitle file must be in a compatible format (e.g., SRT). Manual translation requires editing the subtitle file outside of Kdenlive and then importing it back into the application. Whisper integration is primarily designed for generating subtitles from audio, not for translating existing subtitles. Conclusion: Kdenlive offers various options for subtitle translation, including automatic translation using SeamlessM4T, manual translation, and Whisper integration for speech-to-text generation. Choose the method that best suits your needs and workflow."
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