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Phil Anthrop

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Everything posted by Phil Anthrop

  1. Keep all the NEED EVERY DAY stuff separate...eg, kettle, mugs, plates, clean undies, towels,soap, shampoo, vibrator, anal beads, so that if you do not have time to unpack everything on the removal day at least you will be comfortable.....Put a bottle of your fav wine in there too!
  2. You do not happen to be a retired Religious Education teacher do you?
  3. ERM....may be ask a silly question and you get etc.....but why toothpaste?
  4. We had a religious education teacher who was to say the very very least wildly eccentric. When questions arose as to his sanity he used to state that he had a certificate stating that he was sane. I always wondered what events led up to him needing to obtain such a certificate! We also had a geology teacher who collected housebricks. He had hundereds of them!
  5. Monty Pythons Flying Circus...John Cleese at his best. He is lunatic of course!
  6. It would quickly lead to a huge shortage of teachers as they began to notice the odd behaviour in each other in the staffroom.
  7. OK. Is it perfectly legal for someone to walk around taking pictures of anything and anybody that they like?
  8. Myra Hindley says that she is sorry for her crimes, so she should be allowed out first! She was misunderstood anyhow!....and what about the Yorkshire Ripper.....let him out too. I know....let all the crims free and we shall go stay in prisons and get molly coddled!
  9. OK. I think that firefighters have a very low skill level. They merely squirt fires out and cut bits off cars. The other emergency services do much more for their salaries than firefighters do. Firefighters sleep on duty too and so if they do a 12 hour shift and are asleep for eight hours they only really have done four hours.
  10. OK....now I understand!....People should not have a sense of humour!
  11. hmmmm.....you have inspected your internal organs in order to ascertain that they are in perfect condition?
  12. I do not require any organs as yet but if and when I do I shall let you know. Just as a matter of interest, do you supply a catalogue so that we can choose our own future organs?
  13. I have always found that "ladies" always like my early morning power tool. It does keep them awake for quite a while but when I turn it off they sleep like a baby.
  14. I was aware of the double entendre as I wrote :hihi::hihi:
  15. FFS...why not just shoot the C### then and be done with it!
  16. ERM....did you say mountain dew or mounting jew?
  17. DAMN!.....I was just about to go get some too!
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