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Everything posted by Rashspateen

  1. Whilst all you Jeeburs followers were falling asleep in church, I was down in Sutton Coldfield in a lovelly pub drinking copious amounts of stella with a roast beef dinner watching swans swim up the canal at the side of the pub, mind you, your leader did get a mention when i got the bill for our dinners.. something on the lines of Jezuz Christ on a bike !! thats expensive....:hihi:
  2. Missed out on FAT :hihi: Gordon Brown ate my Pie...
  3. Quite well apart from it being illegally parked there is also the issue of leaving a vehicle that is likely to cause an accident and as such the PoPo would have it towed away if you reported it Failing reporting it slash all his tyres and smash his windows in, Now thats the sort of justice these menaces to society need, maybe hang him too and throw rotten veg at his kids.... :hihi:
  4. We were walking alonnnnng, dark Mushroom lane....... Western park buddies eh ???
  5. Its the morons that have the time to di sect a post then multi quote it with flippant comments that really makes me want to be pedantic... just say what you have to say without multi quoting it takes up bandwidth.. People that multi quote should be stood on a podium in the town centre and given a damn good thumping....:thumbsup:
  6. Robert Sodding Lyndsay... yer all right wooolfeeee love..
  7. Someone is gonna be running out of handbags before much longer !! Tell you what Tabend I will put the podium up in the middle of town and you betcha I would be the first to thump you !! Get off your rather large horse and stop fantasizing that the banginman has a group of flunkies or that everyone, bar you is a racist. I could go on the tact that you have your little sad gang of wannabe islamist like bago and bizzle but that would only place me in the category that you are... SAD GIT ..... have a pleasant day...
  8. Only joshing with you KOKO thought it wall fall out from the racist moggy thread :hihi:
  9. COLORS ?? isnt that an american gang thing ?? bandana's perhaps ??
  10. Methinks Tab1 is a man of many faces Zamo, it was only the other day that Tab1 was singing your praises whilst having one of his epic hissy fits directed at the banginman. Reckon we ought to have a podium set up for him to rant off in the middle of town and see how long it is before he gets thumped :hihi:
  11. And with a flash, from out of the potting shed burst BOTANY BOY righting gardening wrongs across sleepy south yorkshire.. think you are looking for Weeping Willow old chum
  12. Make sure the OH is out and have a wander over to http://www.tatugirls.com HUBBA HUBBA DING DONG I SAY.....
  13. Heres me thinking 1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms :hihi:
  14. Opaque ginger beer bottle !! Do i get the bonus prize too !! Free ginger beer and pork scratchings :hihi:
  15. more fool you then !! you should have kept the shell and sent it by recorded delivery to the manufacturer telling them that as a consequence of nearly eating the foreign body you suffered damage to your teeth and you would be billing them for all your dentist's bills and demanded reasonable compensation for the distress caused.. Could have been quids in there old fruit...
  16. From my days at uni that would be the precedence case Donahugh v Stevenson would it not ?? Even though they have sent you £8 you are still within your rights to sue the manufacturer...
  17. Glad to hear it slick, looking on the positive side if the scratch is not that deep it should be relatively easy to polish out and blow over and shouldn't cost that much, saving you your no claims bonus, plus the scrotes didn't smash your window just for the fun of it like they did my mates last week whilst parked up in the centertainment car park leaving broken glass all over and the lump of concrete on his seat..
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