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Everything posted by Flug

  1. This week the government announced an increase in the minimum wage. If you are a carer this increase could push you over the limit of £102 per week which you are allowed to earn in a separate employment, as a carer on carers allowance of £61.35 per week. Remember that if this applies to you that earning above the threshold of £102 will mean that you will no longer receive your allowance....any of it. In other words if you earn £105 as a consequence of the new rate you will be out of pocket by £58.35 a week. Trust the Tories....you are safe in their hands.
  2. It seems that Osborne has decided to cancel the 55% tax on untaken pensions for those who have saved during their lifetimes. Whilst this a a perfectly good thing for those who have been able to save, I pose the question, where will the cuts be made to pay for this middle and upper class benefit? It looks like another tax break for the well to do. What do you think?
  3. I do not want to afford one. I can't even work this machine properly yet I do not wear an ordinary watch. I have more sense.
  4. Living in your dream location requires the dream money that goes with the dream. I lived for 20 years abroad and built my own home there. In the end though you have to work. My Dream location is , was, and always will be Canhas in Madeira. It relies on a love of the area, the people in general and that one special person without whom, life is pointless.
  5. But the coalition promised us that the deficit wwould be wiped out before the end of this parliament. More Tory Lies?
  6. Back to the beginning of the thread...Next Sacked ? Nigel Adkins at Reading.
  7. YOU may not have won big this month, but Katie Krunch seems VERY interested
  8. Mercedes do not need to end Rosbergs' contract next year. I guess they could build in the odd defect from here to the end of the season and teach him that way.
  9. Man Utd are not in the Champions League. It is doubtful that they will get there this year, so I guess they are not rivals to Real Madrid at all.
  10. I do not believe that is what I said and I made a clear distinction between the emerging markets and the ex Soviet Block for that very reason. If there were international sanctions for some future unseen or unforseen reason then they would be in trouble. It is an irrefutable fact.
  11. Fair comment. But you have to say there is no comparison between the populations of China and India and the underpopulated ex Soviet block. On the other hand, any sanction at all of the product in the future could bankrupt Scotland at a stroke. Better off together.
  12. Many people believe this is about Oil. It is not. It is more about whiskey. When the oil is gone the Scotch will still be made....and the eastern markets are still opening with the new rich in China and India not too far behind. I believe the UK needs Scotland in the FUTURE and anyway no good ever came of division. There are examples all over the world of this. Korea/Vietnam/The Balkans to name a few. Scotland to remain in the Union by at least 8%
  13. I am made of stardust. All the scientific evidence says so if you accept the Big Bang Theory. to that end I guess that I am closer to any manifestation of God than you all dare to believe. May YOUR version of God go with you all.
  14. And some of us as Police qualified advanced drivers might know a bit more than those overconfident people who make this kind of posting.
  15. Or you could even ignore all road traffic offences and let us all risk life and limb.
  16. Of course his associates identified themselves as Christians, as did the majority of people in almost every nation of Europe at that time. "The thoroughly researched BBC documentary "The Dark Charisma Of Adolf Hitler" gave an accurate portrayal of the real Hitler, explaining how he succeeded in manipulating the masses with his deceit and lies. The man was not only a raving lunatic, but a personification of evil." How then would you say that those Islamists regarded as radical should be perceived? Are they ALL evil too? Are they all mad too? Or are they merely misguided? In which case should we be blaming ourselves for the current upsurge in young Muslim men wishing to join Jihad?
  17. I fancy the van driver committed at least 2 offences that should be reported. 1. Unnecessary use of the warning instrument(Horn) 2. Tailgating which the police are currently very hot on.
  18. This is an interesting read 6 years on......
  19. Southampton could rename theirs too....but with no players left and 92 million in the bank , perhaps they could call it the Vacant Stadium
  20. OK. But it was you that said averages are facts and I therefore presumed you had researched the issue. I bought a house at roughly £20k under market value a year ago and refurbished. 3 doors along was valued at 120 K and based upon their inflationary assessment and my purchase price they valued ours at 85,000. That left them, pro rata over 40% wrong. This type of site is inaccurate and gives a totally wrong impression of prices. Prices are seen to act differently in different areas, even within the same town. It is wrong to add or as things are at the moment take off percentage points on a general basis. That by the way is also true of Agents who deliberately inflate the price of properties just to sell the new Hips packs or get properties on the books with a view to later reductions. Ultimately Cyclone, I merely wanted to say the whole is a hit and miss affair and that genuine folks should take it for a pinch of salt. Flug
  21. That is true. But the average price of a property based upon one sold today and another sold 18 months ago is, I am afraid worthless.
  22. Ronaldo went to school in the sec mod in Campanario in Madeira. We lived near there. Real Madrid are a fantastic team but not too many Madierans are in love with Spain. The fact is, that in the end, he is another overpaid player who overvalues his own worth....He signed a new 4 year contract at Man Utd and he should be prepared to honour it. It just goes to show the value of the average Madeiran. Money first last and centre. Anything left over? Money again. I lived there and I know the mentality. Alex should make the Bast**d stay and then see the resolve of Madrid.
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