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Everything posted by metalman

  1. The KLF - Chill out. Still a classic.
  2. Well, if they do take the time/trouble/expense to come to Sheffield for it, I bet not many of them will bother again afterwards.
  3. Lou Rhodes - Beloved one Wavestar - Mind journey (classic synth music from Sheffield based duo, as they then were. Hello JD if you're reading this)
  4. I saw the parking wardens coming out of the shoppers car park at the top of Hawksley Avenue - I doubt whether very many in there will have parked in a dangerous or inappropriate way. More like catching somebody who's gone a few minutes over their time and slapping them with a hefty fine, methinks.
  5. Peter Jackson's even earlier Bad Taste is also a good zombie effort.
  6. Finished James Branch Cabell's Hamlet had an Uncle, which kept up its level of urbane wittiness right to the end. Now about half way through Parody Party, a collection of parodies of writers of the inter-war years published in 1936. So far, Rose Macaulay's parody of Hemingway has been very good, and so has the one of Hugh Walpole by Francis Iles (aka Anthony Berkeley, aka A.B. Cox). But then I expected nothing less because Berkeley/Iles/Cox has always been one of my favourite authors (see here for Martin Edwards article about him). Still to come later in the book are pieces by several other well known personages of the time including John Betjeman. So far certainly, very amusing.
  7. Well a) some of it had been forecast in advance and b) he didn't say anything at all about what was actually in the budget, just spouted the same old stuff about tax cuts for millionaires that we've heard a thousand times before. He could at least have made some effort to reply to what Osborne had just said, which was after all what his speech is supposed to do.
  8. Sounds like the same old incoherent ranting from Ed Miliband in response. However much he says 'Same old Tories', it sounds like 'Same old Labour' to me.
  9. It's used to diagnose things like lactose intolerance - some bacteria in the gut produce hydrogen gas under certain conditions.
  10. From the Star article: Displays giving up-to-the-minute information on pollution will be installed in the store, encouraging shoppers to delay their journeys home when air quality is poor. Right, so you've had your meatballs and chips, filled up your car with furniture, got the kids in the back and then you look at the air quality indicator and say, "Ooh, the air quality's really poor, we can't go home in that, we'd better hang around aimlessly for another couple of hours instead." A very likely scenario.
  11. Annie Haslam from Renaissance in the 70s. Judie Tzuke in the 70s. Diana Krall anytime.
  12. Hardly much of an explosion - the steam pipe's ruptured and that's lifted the tarmac up. I think the idea that bits of carpark have gone sailing hundreds of feet into the air is a bit over the top.
  13. Hamlet had an uncle by James Branch Cabell. I don't know why, but I find that Cabell has a dry, droll style with a mischievous sense of humour that just appeals to me. If you've never read his most well known book, Jurgen, it's well worth tracking down a cheap second hand copy.
  14. Looks like I'm not the only one to find this irritating!
  15. Retina.it - Semeion (electronica) Horizon two twenty two - Three of swans (ambient effort by Zoviet France offshoot) Pole Folder - Zero gold (on the Bedrock label) Apoptygma Berzerk - 7 (on the synth-pop side of industrial but not bad)
  16. You're right, it did used to be Give Way at the top of Hagg Hill, I think it might be about 10-15 years ago that they changed it. Which makes it a bit worrying that some people still don't know.
  17. This is impossible - well over half of my entire collection must consist of songs over 8 minutes.
  18. That nun in blue boots looks distinctly out of place too!
  19. Err... there's no time limit at Morrisons, and the top car park is meant to be used for general parking as well as customers as it was laid down when they built it.
  20. Just think - if you hadn't had to waste 50p on parking you could have had a Mars bar today as well.
  21. VNV Nation - Praise the fallen Wumpscut - Wreath of barbs Two excellent electronic/industrial albums I found in a charity shop this morning.
  22. But are they all the ones that have been displaced by parking restrictions closer to the University?
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