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Everything posted by metalman

  1. Because if you read the rest of the thread you'd know that they have apparently been instructed to go round the other side of the roundabout at peak times.
  2. Our cat is very good company for our bay window.
  3. There are several family trees on the Ancestry.co.uk site which have the various George Sherwoods in them.
  4. That should be 1952 not 1962 (which then makes sense with his age and the OP's post).
  5. Awesome performance by the driver of a flet bed car transporter lorry at the junction of Lodge Lane and Manchester Road (by the end of the Rivelin Valley Road). On turning into Lodge Lane, he had evidently discovered that the gradient was such that the downward-pointing loading ramp at the back of his vehicle was low enough to hit the surface of Manchester Road. Unfortunately this had left his back wheels dangling in the air, leaving him stuck like a beached whale half in and half out of the junction. Reminded me of when Top Gear did something similar getting a supercar out of a Parisian car park exit. Anyway, you might want to avoid coming down Lodge Lane until he's managed to move...
  6. Why should the lighting have anything to do with it?
  7. I must obviously be a dinosaur here because I don't own an iPod and it's very rare that I pluck just one or two things off an album to listen to - usually I listen to the whole thing.
  8. Yes, we've just had a couple here in Wadsley/Hillsborough area. Maybe this signals that some chav has attempted to steal the copper from the substation (like the one in today's Star)...
  9. They're probably the same people who made shell suits when they were in fashion - I have no sympathy.
  10. By not allowing them to be legally sold, same as anything else.
  11. That was a party election broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
  12. If you're thinking of making a living, or even a pittance, by recycling Al cans then I think the rate of return is so low as to make it not worth the effort - just bung them in the recycling bin and let somebody else have the 0.0001p you'll get.
  13. Fortunately aluminium is one of the easiest metals to recycle in that you just have to melt it, so there's no real danger of it running out in the near future, I think. In any case, getting back to the subject, why does the OP need a big magnet? Any ordinary fridge magnet will do for testing cans.
  14. Aluminium certainly was at one point more valuable than gold: a bar of it was exhibited at the Paris exhibition of 1855 as a precious metal, and Napoleon III entertained the King of Siam by dining on aluminium plates. It wasn't until Heroult and Hall independently discovered the way to obtain aluminium by electrolysis of aluminium oxide in molten cryolite that the price plummeted by 90%. Interestingly the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus (which as any trivia nut will tell you isn't actually Eros, it's the Angel Of Christian Charity) was one of the first to be cast in aluminium in 1893.
  15. You obviously don't go round there when both lanes are jam packed with traffic then.
  16. The 'fish eating your feet' downturn has begun! The other shops' days are numbered surely.
  17. I came round there yesterday morning at 8 and there was still one stuck there, so this isn't being done, it would appear.
  18. Not sure I entirely see the logic in this decision since they kept John Craven on and he was 68. Must say I do quite like Julia Bradbury though...
  19. I wonder if spindrift would have posted this thread if the chap concerned had been on an EDL rally, say, rather than a left-wing anti-government demo. I suspect not.
  20. Went down there today and I think that one is the worst on the whole of Abbey Lane. Fortunately managed to avoid it.
  21. Actually, plant it in the garden and hope that it doesn't grow would be more like it. We planted one when I was a kid and by the time we left the house it was about 50 ft tall.
  22. Either that's meant to be 1935 or Elvis packed a lot into his twelve years.
  23. Ours were meant to be collected yesterday in S6... but weren't. Though the recycling blue box was done.
  24. Pinder's stationers down behind the Cathedral might know somebody.
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