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  1. This strikes me as a very magnanimous attitude on the part of the partner of this poor man.
  2. Did anybody go and see Michael McIntyre at the Arena last night? I have long been a fan, but last night's show, which I believe was new material, just didn't do it for me, and this seems to have been mirrored by the subdued reaction of many people around us. What was it like for anybody else?
  3. I've used Martin Kemp on Abbeydale Road for years and found them totally professional and non pushy. Maybe not as cheap as the heavily advertised national companies, but like anything you usually get what you pay for.
  4. I've used Byte Computers in the past and been well satisfied with both service and price. (No connection with or financial interest in this company) https://www.byteitltd.co.uk/
  5. Is this from Amazon what you're looking for? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cablerite-adapter-Freeview-HDR-1100S-HDR-1800T/dp/B07ZQG7PL1
  6. 'What you got was what you saw', a sad day, that woman could sure whoop ass. RIP
  7. Good luck to you pal. I don't need anything at the moment, but as we all know good plumbers offering a decent service at a fair price are like gold dust these days so I'll copy your number for future reference.
  8. None of us is whiter than white, but one silly mistake on one day, probably influenced by alcohol, will have blown his whole professional and possibly personal life forever. We don't know whether this was an isolated incident or one of many but doesn't this show how disastrous this kind of behaviour can be for somebody who should have known better because of his position. Sad and unnecessary for both him and his family (assuming he has one) and the lady concerned.
  9. Yes, she's so elegant, and you get the feeling she cares about what she's reading, unlike many others who are so mechanical.
  10. Yes, I am a recent convert to womens' football, having been quite resistant for some time, and now prefer to watch these games in preference to mens. The standard of play is at least as skilful, and the fact that there is virtually no spitting shows that this can de done by men too, disgusting.
  11. Yes, this seems legitimate to me, with no commercial element, so can't we help this lady? It seems a bit mean not to.
  12. Series 3 is every bit as good, if not better than the first two in my opinion. Won't spoil if for you, but well worth the binge watch if you've got the time 🙂
  13. Yes, very sad for all those people who have lost their jobs and all that goes with this. Hopefully another carrier will take some on, although with consumer spending being under increasing pressure and affecting the holiday market vacancies may be restricted.
  14. I'm right behind you Tipstaff, you don't need to feel guilty in my opinion. I'm on the opposite side to you in that I'm now on my own, but I am very careful not to be needy and hang onto the coat tails of friends who have been, and still are, generous enough to support me in my hour of need as they say. There is nothing more guaranteed to lose friends than for you to make them to feel guilty about your predicament. When you find yourself on your own for whatever reason , you have to reach out for new frontiers as well as those enjoyed in the past. Sometimes it's not easy, but if you try hard enough you can recover from the dip many of us find ourselves in due to events.
  15. Yes, this is only a bit of fun, sadly a bit lacking nowadays
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