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Tipstaff last won the day on October 6 2023

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  1. Build more prisons and let's see prisoners doing some constructive and meaningful work and a properly managed regime instead of prisoners idly lounging about all day. Let's have prisons run professionally by HMPS. We don't need any private companies jumping in, cutting back on staffing / resources and making fat profits out of it!
  2. I suppose for those with degenerative or terminal illnesses, it's eventually a relief to die a peaceful and pain-free death? Those fortunate enough to be fit and healthy into old age are perhaps not in such a hurry to think about it so often. For me, I would like to go peacefully in my sleep. If I get to the stage where I may start to become too reliant on others, then I would deploy the means necessary for a final exit without harming anyone else.
  3. I often use the 'Easy Barber' on Woodseats. (£8 There are a couple of young ladies and a young fella in there sometimes. They all do a very good job, but beware.... There's an older female (dragon!) who has an acid tongue and cuts hair like she's mixing cement. She'd make a better navvy than a hairdresser/barber!
  4. The sad excuse for a man who conspired to kidnap, torture, rape and kill should be locked up for life (meaning LIFE).
  5. Arrogant and ignorant managers. Being called 'mate' by someone I totally dislike. The cannabis smoking neighbour (and their associates) who pollute my air. Having to run the gauntlet of shop doorway and ATM beggars.
  6. I do agree that given the state of some of the housing stock £2m is a start, but very much a drop in the ocean.
  7. Same as the newsletters from SCC (We've listened to you and we're tackling anti-social behaviour) and SYP (We've listened to you and we're tackling anti-social behaviour)
  8. I was refused service in a bar in Essen, Germany in 1976. I don't think they appreciated my Sheffield accent. Fortunately, my German friend intervened and I had my glass of 'alt beer'.
  9. Ill-advised spontaneous comments from politicians who should know better are not helpful. Neither of these individuals should be poking their noses into an operational policing matter and should await the outcome of the investigation. Police officers on the ground have to make decisions after having made a dynamic (rapid) risk assessment. If human life is endangered, then tough decisions have to be made. Perhaps they didn't have time to wait for specialist support? We'll know when the investigation has been completed and the report is out.
  10. Nah, they're probably all VEGAN salad munchers these days. 🙄
  11. Old coppers (sometimes retired ones too) will all agree on this. Nobody takes much notice of them because there are always new ways of doing things in order to appease whoever may be offended. This is used as an excuse for doing nothing, or ignoring minor criminal offences. Doing this often enough has got us where we are today. All old coppers know this, but as I said, nobody listens to someone who has had a lifetime of public service policing the streets. It makes you wonder why though, doesn't it?
  12. Society (The Public) get the police service they deserve. As society and morality changes, so does the police. Fear of arrest and prosecution and respect for those who enforce the law has diminished. Paltry sentences for habitual criminals put before the courts have demoralised hard working cops for decades.
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