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Everything posted by kerleytops

  1. There was a flying plank in the playground at Longley, I believe it's a housing estate now. It also had the dangerous roundabouts and rocking horses! However did we survive? Looking back I can't believe what risks we took in the name of playing. Still here to tell the tale...
  2. I remember having a bag of raw mushrooms in the Wapentake in the early seventies, made a change from gritty vinegary cockles and chewy whelks!
  3. Great book, used at Longley certainly up to 1966. I bought a second hand copy several years ago and keep dipping into it!
  4. I have used Daysoft daily disposables for years. Good price and great customer service.
  5. Ah such memories! We played in Jacksons playground but never called it that. The flying plank was dangerous but fun, there were 2 horses and 2 roundabouts (each a different type) 2 sets of swings, a shelter and a cubby hole thing where Brian had a stove. He sometimes let us sit by it. Always felt safe there, this was during the sixties.
  6. I have seen bracelets, earrings, necklaces etc made from scrabble tiles.
  7. I have a medal, on one side it says industrial league and on the other national small bore rifle association. The engraving reads Divn. 16, 1948-9 Hardypick, G. Kerley G. Kerley was my father, maybe he worked there?
  8. Thanks for that, hoping to get in touch with her.
  9. I was a friend of Pamela Green in the 6th form at Chaucer and have often wondered what she did after leaving Oxford.
  10. It's a novelty golf club head cover that has seen better days which has been placed next to a rotting rabbit.
  11. There are some photos on Friends Reunited. I was there until 1966 and remember Miss. May, Miss. Bunting and the head Miss pattinson
  12. Played in Longley playground, behind the childrens home, think its houses now, don't know how we survived, the things we used to do eg. standing up on swings and then jumping off, leaping off the moving roundabouts and then back on, the flying plank would never be allowed these days but most odd were the hours spent in the keepers hut, I seem to think he had some sort of stove in there, all very innocent. Happy days!
  13. did you know a family called Kerley? first names George, Jean and Arthur?
  14. Thanks for the link above, inspiring recipes, will visit the York shop.
  15. Me too - great park that was and did you go to Blackhill Park too? No, Denlin. Lived 2 mins away from Longley Park so didn't need anywhere else!
  16. the Nelson ( ? ) lager and lime aged 14, was told it was a vodka and lime!
  17. When I were a lass the four greens had fences round them and you couldn't get in to do anything, innocent or not. Glad that they are being used by the community, sad that some of the community choose to abuse green space.
  18. only a rumour, may have been spread by parents not wanting their children to play in the mud. I thought the memorial was to do with a doctor but also think there was a link with cholera or typhoid. Vaguely remember someone saying the doctor saved the lives of two little girls....again probably rumour.
  19. Rumour had it that two little girls died of typhoid after playing in the stream and the memorial was in the fenced off bit near the camel,s hump sledging hill.
  20. I spent the sixties as a child practically living in Longley Park and it grieved me to see it recently. I remember tennis, mini golf, pitch and putt, bowls, the pool, the ice cream shop, paddling in the fever stream, grass sledging on sheets of cardboard in summer, sledging in winter ( oooo the camel's hump ) watching football and cricket and even playing shinty as a class from Longley Juniors. And the Whitsun parade from St. Leonard's church ending up there. Happy days!
  21. Army great coats, maxi coats for the girls, anything cheesecloth, tie dyed tee shirts, grandad vests, and jeans with the hem deliberately frayed.
  22. Boiled sweets - yorkshire mix, cough sweets / candy, aniseed balls and pineapple cubes, bonbons, toffee from thorntons on a tray with a hammer, satin cushions
  23. Mister Ed " A horse is a horse of course of course and no one can talk to a horse of course unless of course that horse of course is the famous Mr Ed "
  24. S5 used to be a great place to live in the 60's and 70's. I'm saddened to read on here about the bad things that happen there now. Good luck to those organising the Fun Day, hope it goes well. I spent many happy days in Parson Cross Park and Longley Park.
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