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Myster E

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Everything posted by Myster E

  1. I can't wait to see the headlines when a spectator tries to enter one of the venues wearing a t shirt bearing the Pepsi Cola symbol/brand. Coca Cola who apparently 'own'the Olympics won't like that.
  2. Can anyone tell me how much of the £20 million that the games have brought to the City will actually go to the City? I can see private companies, hotels and other premises where money was actually spent by these athletes making money. But will it go to the people of Sheffield?
  3. Try JR Hobson on Nursery Street, neasr to the Wicker. Supplier of Bar stuff and sells various types of drinking glasses.
  4. Got to admit that the first I knew about the Doc Fest was when itwas mentioned on the radio that it had just ended. There was no mention of any of the Documentaries just about how many millions the festival had put into the local economy. Does that now mean that we won't go to fortnightly bin collections, the Dumpit sites can go back to seven day opening or has all this money just gone to the pubs restauarants etc?
  5. I was a De la Salle pupil for three years 1972 - 75. I attended after taking the 13+ rom St Peter's. Parson Cross born and brought up. I enjoyed my years at DLS. The teachers were excellent, helped me to earn good qualifications, and treated all the pupils at my time with respect. Yes, some were strapped but not one ever complained of brutality or excessive zeal on behalf of the strapper. I accept that many ex-pupils had an horrendous time there, but spaking on behalf of many of my contemparies, De La Salle was simply the best school in Sheffield at the time.
  6. My pal John O'Malley does natural portraits, studio and non studio. PM me for further details.
  7. One time that I was in the Woodseats office they refused to give one man his parcel as he hadn't brought any ID with him, only the card that was put through his letterbox. He was not best pleased and forced open the hatch, climbed in and got his parcel himself, climbed back through the hatch and left. Deathly silence around the waiting room immediately followed by a round of applause. Agree with you about the delivery staff, they work hard but I wish they would stop dropping elastic bands on my drive.
  8. There was an excellent TV documentary a recently on the Vulcan bomber that bombed the landing strip at Port Stanley in the Falklands. It may well be repeated soon. Fascinating insight into the whole operation. The book about the raid is called Vulcan 607 by Rowland White
  9. A report I heard recently was that the water companies lose more water through leakage than theywould save by imposing a hosepipe ban. Fot years now Water companies have said that they will reduce the losses through leakage, yet I have seen little evidence that much has been done about this problem.
  10. It's been sold, I asked who had bought it but the staff member wouldn't tell me. They did say that it was an individual as opposed to a pub chain. Hopefully it will stay as a pub and have some money spent on it. Much as I like the place, it is looking a bit tired.
  11. Contact the Sheffield Crime reduction officer at Ecclesfield Police Station. He has the specifications that you need to make sure that you get the correct lock. Not advertising, but Harrolds the locksnith on Shalesmoor have a Euro lock that meets all the criteria and costs about £30.00. Not every British Standard lock is an anti-snap lock so make sure that you specify anti-snap when purchasing a replacement lock.
  12. NOT Yorkshire Windows at Meadowhead. Poor fitting and the after sales service is a joke.
  13. Many of the vehicles driving through Woodseats come from Chesterfield and Dronfield. Have our Planners/Highways Dept etc ever considered extending the Supertram Herdings Spur to the old Norton Aerodrome and setting up a Park and Ride scheme at that location?
  14. I must include that wonderfully expressive word 'manking'. Only heard it said and used in Sheffield.
  15. A bird once <removed> on the bonnet of my car....I never asked her out again.
  16. Stayed at the Sequoi Lodge too. Nice, clean good family/interconnecting rooms. It's worth getting the pre-paid meal tickets. Can't remember how much each meal ticket cost but we could eat in all the restaurants and hotels except the main Hotel inside the Park. We could include wine/beer with our meal up to about 12-15 Euro, so you get excellent value for each meal ticket. Go to the shop in the railway station for your kids drinks as they are half the price of the drinks in the Park shops. Great time was had by all.
  17. When the Bankers Draft pub was used as a Bank many years ago, a tunnel was built linking the Bank to other companies in the City centre. The stables for the ponies that were used to haul the carts ferrying the cash around are still there. Unfortunately the end of the tunnel is bricked up but it's interesting just looking around there.
  18. I was told that many of the plaques weere stolen recently. How can someone steal them is beyond me. The 'dealer' who must have bought them is also beyond contempt.
  19. Meadowhall has less car crime than the City centre. It has a very good CCTV system. No, I don't work there. I have no affinity for the place at all.
  20. If it's illegal to place blocks on the footpath, how come the Council have placed bollards across the footpath on Abbey Lane near to Bocking Lane? Well I assume it's the Council who have done it.
  21. Are there any more sites that Louloulashes can advertise her Christmas Fair? Got to admit I may even visit it. I hope it's good after all this hype.
  22. Well it appears that you can get a quart into a pint pot. Sheffield Planners have shown it; According to surveys carried out following the debacle, by reducing the amount of space available for car parking, more cars can be parked. I have no doubt that this survey was carried out independently and is totally reliable. With research like this is anyone surprised that we are in such a state.
  23. This ia all academic and whilst such discussions may help someone vent their feelings on a subject that they feel strongly about; nothing will change. Journey times ( I believe from personal experience) are longer, vehicles can queue from Abbey Lane back up Meadowhead to well past Morrisons at various times of the day. The traffic lights outside the Catholic Church on Meadowhead can show to red for both cars and buses. Parking spaces on Chesterfield Road have been reduced by extending the pavement out into the road to provided these recessed bays. Befoe the alterations vehicles could simply pull into the side of the road except at Clearway times. The limited current waiting times on Chesterfield Road are often abused by motorists as I have never seen Traffic Wardens enforcing them. Pollution must have increased due to the number of vehicles stationary at the crossing points and in the traffic ueue. This will reduce the benefit of having to walk to the Woodseats shops. Has a pollution survey been carried out on Woodseats to ascertain the level of carbon monoxide in the air? This scheme has gone ahead with some consultation. BOSSY, shopkeepers and other groups have been mentioned and residents and users were questioned. The researcher who questioned me some years ago stated that she had yet to find any shoppers, locals (who also drive through Woodseats) who could see any benefit whatsoever in the proposed scheme. It still went ahead as proposed ignoring many concerns. The Woodseats by-pass which was discussed many years earlier is still brought up in some local discussions, but I have no doubt that this idea will ever be resurrected again. If the Council are looking to reduce the number of cars travelling from Dronfield, Chesterfield the South side of the City into Sheffield along Woodseats; why wasn't Supertram extended to Norton aerodrome and a Park and Ride facuility built? An opportunity now missed unfortunately. Any scheme that relates to traffic improvements will ALWAYS cause some inconvenience for someone else. It is a fact of life; you can't please all the people all the time. I believe from my many years working and living in that area that the scheme was not the success that Planners hoped it would be. However I have no doubt that any amount of money thrown at it will relieve the congestion on that road. No amount of bickering, sorry discussion, will alter that.
  24. Yorkshire Television don't help as they closed down the Calendar office on Charter Square. It's all down to cost cutting of course.
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