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rainbow sky

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Everything posted by rainbow sky

  1. Sorry if I sound stupid, but if you paid no commission what was the £700 for, or are you including solicitors fees in that price?
  2. yes thats correct, we have been using them for years they sort us out a new mortgage every couple of years as we tend to go with 2yr fixed rates, and in all that time we have never paid them a penny. I will email you with contact details.
  3. I can give you the name of our financial adviser. They come to your home and show you all deals on laptop, you are then free to choose whichever one you want and they go over everything with you and sort out all paperwork, they are really good company, based in Dronfield. You don't pay them a penny!! Let me know if you are interested and I will give you his number.
  4. Well I would say "make a cuppa tea/coffee" but then I am Scottish and had never heard the expression "mash" before I moved here, only mash I know is the potato kind,lol.
  5. Could you please PM me a price as well, thank you. I have a 55cm gas cooker, need oven and racks cleaned.
  6. Sorry I didn't make myself clear, yes she did actually get hypnotised ( or whatever they do) as well, I think she had 3 or 4 sessions and she did say for a few weeks she didn't feel as hungry but that soon wore off, to be honest I think the not feeling so hungry as more to do with the drinking water before each meal and the slow speed of eating. We went out for a meal together once and I was trying not to laugh as every mouthful she took she then had to put cutlery down and wait till she had chewed that mouthful before taking another lot, in the end she had hardly anything to eat which would obviously help the weight loss somewhat.
  7. My friend had this about 2 years ago, I think she paid about £200. They told her she had to drink water before every meal and chew her food one mouthful at a time, putting her cutlery down each time in between mouthfuls. Did it work, I would say No, she got fed up with the water thingy, if she has lost any weight since I don't think it had anything to do with the hypnotherapy.
  8. I was born in Scotland but moved to Sheffield 16yrs ago.
  9. We have just sold ours with Saxton Mee and they have been great throughout, no complaints, excellent brochures, we included floor plans on ours which I think helped, there website is great very easy to use (unlike Haybrook's). We did have to pay our fees up front (£199) but we would have had to pay them in end anyway, so didn't really have a problem with that. We didn't advertise ours in paper as I think most people use internet now. Just a point, when you do a search on Rightmove you are shown a list of all houses, but when you click on a house and go to their brochure page you are normally transfered to the website of the estate agent selling the property. Just worth mentioning if you are considering choosing an agent who's website is not great. Our house sold in just under 3 weeks, and I couldn't fault Saxton one bit. Good Luck
  10. Did anyone notice that this thread is 3 years old and original OP hasn't been online since 2007!!
  11. Christ Church Hall, Gleadless Road, Heeley every Thursday and Friday morning 9.15 till 11.15, toys, arts and crafts, singing, and snack £1. Very friendly group, no cliques. Refreshments available for parents as well.
  12. I am in S2 as well and would also love to find a mobile hairdresser, if you find one could you please pm me with details, thanks.
  13. Pleased to hear I am not alone anymore, was beginning to think I was the only person to wear anything in bed.
  14. Just wondered how many of us sleep naked and how many wear pyjamas? Personally I like my pyjamas but think I am outnumbered,
  15. I love the chat room and have to admit to being in there most nights, usually its a good chat with nice bunch of people, now and again you do get one who is out to cause trouble but not very often.
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