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Everything posted by H.P

  1. When we bought our home a few months ago the first thing we did was see the bank to see how much we could borrow, they then issued us with a certificate to show the estate agents when we made our offer, this shows the estate agents that you do actually have the means to back up your offer. I will p.m you some links to estate agents sites around sheffield and you can browse online... good luck
  2. Letting Agents» Name:Beardvale Ltd» Address:Care Of 64 Regent Court Bradfield Road Sheffield Yorkshire S6 2BU » Phone:0114 234 4492 Just found you this.. give them a ring to see what's available for rent. I think this takes you direct to the caretaker who deals with beardvales propertys on the flats
  3. I had been thinking about taking up riding again too,havent been for a fair few years so I could probably benefit from a few lessons.. I did'nt fancy going alone either..
  4. Also be aware that you are only buying the lease of the flat, My ex hubby owned one on there, when he got flooded from a flat two floors up, the actuall owners of the flats who you pay the service charges too came round to inspect the damage. I think they are called beardvale LTD or somthing simalar. Well anyway the guy was really rude and made a comment to the way of ' Its not your flat its ours you are just the lease holder' Then he proceded to walk round crushing our belongings that were here and there on the floor (it was messy after the flood) Apart from that and the sevice charge the flats are O.k and the cartaker and his family are lovley if its still the same one. Good luck with it all anyway
  5. Most of my family have Permium bonds, dad wins about seven times a year, I had one win last year but havent had one this year yet... Dads had a couple of biggies and he allways treats us all with his winnings
  6. Was that the guy in the masionettes at pitsmoor??
  7. I'm off to see this lady tomorrow for a reading http://www.sues.info/ Hope you enjoy your time tomorow lindsey
  8. Watch out grandma the lawnmowers comimg...............
  9. I remember them... Does anyone remember that other great littleknown band that was around about the same time... Lawn Mower Death
  10. Thats probably more true than we all think... it makes my blood boil to think that we are paying our taxes to support all these would be bombers
  11. Frys five centre... Hmmm And I havent seen one for years. They still do the pepermint and orange flavour, but I havent seen a five centre since I was a young un. Has any one else ever seen one around?
  12. went to see Black Sabbath when I was about 15, can't remember the year. But it was great... Apart from the guy in front of me who kept whiping me with his hair as he was headbanging
  13. The two stations were up against each other for a while. It was about the time occasions had the happy hardcore night around 94/95. there was a lot of bad feeling between the two...
  14. Yes but I cant remember the name, they got busted for blanking out the emergency sevices. it had somthing to do with the guys who used to run area 51 records on the gallery.. if the name comes to me...was it rise fm?
  15. NO... If my memories of the time are correct the transmitter and stuff was sold to the guys who ran fantasy, which in turn became hardcore fm for a while and then became joy fm.. dont know what the guy who ran joy did with it though
  16. I can remember Jacks Sasperrella shop on langsett road, I was only a little girl about 5 or 6 but my dad used to take me to have a drink of sasperella somtimes. I remember that the drink tasted funny but I liked it! I allways used to like the neon durex sign in the window (I was too young to know what it was then). If my memory is correct I recall that there was wooden panneling over the bottom half of the window so you couldnt see in and there was a counter with stools round it towards the back of the shop, although my memories of this are fairly hazy it was such a long time ago
  17. His name was shane and he used to drive a biege cortina infact most of the C.B world drove a cortina
  18. I used to do a fair old bit of c.b ing does anybody remember Chris Concord at wisewood, shane pintpot and allen inspector gadget then there was ronnie at shirecliffe take two. I used to spend a lot of time at chris's house when I was a teenager they were like a surragate family for me, And I must have been one of the few to have a licence (my dad made me)
  19. When I was younger we used to hangaround in the area where the old power station at neepsend once stood. We did once climb into an opening on the wall when we had a close look we noticed the concrete ledge we were standing on was only suspended by some rubble and a bit of chicken wire, the drop below us was very deep and there were loads of huge pipes running down. needless to say we made a rapid exit, I understand that they filled in any remaining tunnels and openings after the incident when two men lost thier lives scrapping the cables
  20. BUS DRIVERS. Pretend you're an airline pilot by wedging your accelerator pedal down with a heavy book, securing the steering wheel with some old rope, and then strolling back along the bus chatting casually to the passengers.
  21. I thought they caught him on malbourgh road at broomhill in a hotel carpark. although this may be wrong I read it in a book a few years ago
  22. My fathers farther was a fireman in the war.He couldnt join the fighting forces due to his health,and my great grandfather was based at hillsbourgh barracks he was in the mounted artillary (I have a smashing photo of him in full uniform on his horse) The other week we were at my dads and we were looking at the box of things that were left from this time (my eldests doing ww2 at school) there were ration books and my grandads badges and stuff from his uniform. my dad followed in his footsteps and joined the brigade when he was old enough. My grandad on my mothers side was in active service in the war and I belive that he was shot at somepoint in WW2 Unfortunatly all my grandparents have passed away now so the details of it all are lost forever
  23. theres the open circle at whittam road weds nights at 7.30 they do healing on thursdays from 2 till 4 and theres a service with a guest medium on sundays but I am not sure of the times . I attend the open circle from time to time its a nice friendly church well worth a visit
  24. I remember that there used to be swans on the boating lake too, Havent seen a swan for years now. Lovley gracefull creatures
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