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Everything posted by Trinity

  1. Hi we went to Cuba in august this year. Credit cards are not widely accepted we used our Nationwide credit card to pay for trips with Thomas Cook rep and for duty free at the airport. We took sterling and exchanged it at the cadeca in the hotel, debit cards were accepted at the Cadeca although we didn't use one. Any card that has any affiliation with America will not be accepted so best to check with your bank. Cuba is a lovely place and the Cuban people are very friendly. Have a good holiday.
  2. Just got back from peaks the car park is still like an ice rink, Sainsburys upstairs car park is still closed and it is very busy, people are driving round and round looking for spaces, two people were arguing over the space that i was about to vacate i drove off and left them to it.
  3. Thanks alchresearch I'm quite looking forward to going, not been to the Manchester ones before so trying to work out our best route before we go.
  4. Thanks redhotjo Is the far end where victoria station is as I was told this is the closest to the markets
  5. Could any one tell me are the Christmas markets in Manchester within reasonable walking distance from Piccadilly station or will we have to get the metro Thanks
  6. My son had lessons with Sandra from Horizon and he past his test in August this is what he posted on here at the time: For those looking for a driving school, I would like to heavily recommend Horizon School of Motoring. I passed comfortably, despite having a gap of 3 months without any lessons due to personal injury. I also completed my final year at University during the same time period I learnt to drive and despite this added stress I found each and every lesson enjoyable and progressed very well. My instructor was Sandra, who I found to be incredibly friendly, laid back and a great instructor, a real credit to the organisation. I couldn’t recommend this driving school any higher, particularly for those of you who have never been behind the wheel of a car before. His user name is Yorkminster if you want to search for the thread. My youngest son is currently having lessons with Sandra as well and he will be taking his test next month.
  7. Hi Just weighed a smallish apple for you. It weighed 117g which is 0.117kg hope that helps.
  8. Do a disk cleanup and on the more options tab choose to clean up the system restore.
  9. I take it you mean in sheffield if so try this http://eduplugins.sheffield.gov.uk/schools/catchments.aspx
  10. My son and his girlfriend were stood at the bus stop, apparently the car was being followed by the police when it lost control and hit a lamp post, the two occupants ran from the car up Hopefield Ave and went behind the evangelical church. The police with a dog soon found them and arrested them. Yes it was a man and a young girl. Joyriding?
  11. I do MyTNS - you earn points but can choose to have them converted to nectar points.
  12. How about PACT http://www.pactfriends.co.uk Based at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital to give help and support to families with children who have cancer. A very worth while charity who helped to put some fun back into our lives after our son was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was 6 years old (he is now 21, at university and doing fine.)
  13. May seem like a stupid question but is it to big (in memory)for your card reader some older card readers can only read up to a certain size as we found out when we tried using a 2gb one.
  14. Here is what really happened http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/Councillor39s-gun-arrest-ordeal.3224153.jp
  15. Have a look here http://www.old-maps.co.uk/indexmappage2.aspx just type your postcode in and it will bring up old maps of the area some are better than others. I did find a farm called fox wood farm at intake could that be the one.
  16. I remember being taken to see a whale on the back of a lorry, I can't remember where it was as i was only young, possibly in town somewhere my OH thought I was mad when I mentioned it to him. So I did a bit of searching and found a thread on here it has a link to another site telling all about it. Don't know if this is the same whale as there is no mention of a class case. But possibly worth a look http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=830&highlight=whale
  17. yes mr hodgkinson did have a wig, good bloke though. I remember once when he changed it from ginger to black in the holidays what a laugh, but no dared to say anything.
  18. I went to Wisewood, left in 1979. Remember Mr Brewer he was my form teacher in first year. Mr Hodgkinson use to live a the top of our road. Mr Hook (Batman). Bet it all changed now, anyone else from 1979.
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