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Everything posted by altus

  1. The ellipsis at the end of post 9 was certainly meant to lead people to draw that conclusion. There you go making things up again.
  2. Hmmm, an "obvious" prediction that was incorrect. Now you seem to think the next election is going to be a referendum on what you claim, despite evidence to the contrary, is the Lib Dems policy on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.
  3. More "obvious" stuff that is only obvious to you. You really do think the Lib Dems would negotiate away the Falkland Islanders' sovereignty don't you.
  4. You made something up. I pointed out you were wrong. If you don't like that then don't make stuff up.
  5. It might be obvious in your deranged imagination but it I doubt it is to anyone else. Do you have any evidence that they have been doing that? No? Didn't think so. Perhaps you ought to read about the Lib Dem Foreign Office minister's reaction to an invitation to talks from Argentina in The Independent.
  6. Are they usable outside in bright sunlight? (You know - the reason Rampent started this thread.)
  7. It's easier to switch a light on/carry a torch at night that it is to switch the sun off during the day. More seriously, E Ink displays, given that they are meant mimic paper, are designed to be used for largely static displays, so they don't make god phone/general tablet screens. The fact that they only use power when switching pages is a great benefit - particularly if you want to take them on holiday and might not have access to recharging facilities. @Rampent You might be able to find what screen your laptop uses by searching for your laptop's model number and the word "teardown" and/or the phrase "replacement screen". There are sites with descriptions/videos of how to replace screens of different laptops which would be worth watching but the first thing to do is to try to find your screen model number online - otherwise you'll have to dismantle your laptop to find out.
  8. I don't know - that's why I said "you could see". If you can find the screen model number that your laptop uses, you could see there is a compatible Pixel Qi screen for starters.
  9. You could see if you can get a Pixel Qi replacement screen that fits your laptop. I'm amazed that laptop, and particularly tablet, manufacturers haven't started using these screens.
  10. Relative URLs are relative to the location of the HTML page - which you can find by taking everything left of (and including) the last / in the page's URL. e.g. If the page's URL is http://my.site.com/page.html, the location is http://my.site.com/ and your first image would be http://my.site.com/images/spacer.gif. If the page's url was http://my.site.com/folder/page.html, the location would be it would be http://my.site.com/folder/ and the image would be http://my.site.com/folder/images/spacer.gif. Watch out for relative URLs starting "./", the dot means the current directory so "./image.gif" means the same as "image.gif". If there are two dots "../image.gif" you have to go up a directory because ".." means parent directory. In that case, if a page at http://my.site.com/pages/page.html contains an image at "../images/image.gif", it's absolute URL would be http://my.site.com/images/image.gif. You can also have "../.." which means go up two directories and so on.
  11. I'm sure David Cameron would like any Labour supporters who voted for him after being appalled by Gordon Brown's handling of the economy to continue doing so. I doubt he'd be willing to change Conservative policy to keep their vote though. I don't understand why you think the LibDems should. You seem determined to not understand how a coalition works. You don't get to pick and choose which policies you support - you argue with those with different views, come to a compromise, and all support that. Just like happens with the differing factions within single parties.
  12. If there is not even a vague chance of other parties getting in, there'll be nothing to stop the Conservative back benchers tearing the party apart over Europe.
  13. But they're not LibDem supporters - they are Labour supporters who have temporarily voted LibDem because they are upset at Labour. They'll be back voting Labour at the earliest opportunity. "It was a coalition stupid." Of course, Labour and the Conservatives will both be desperately trying to make sure the idea of coalitions never becomes popular because they'll both be in trouble if they do.
  14. Does the quote actually say the LibDems shouldn't be left-leaning though? You seem to be focussing on the first part rather than the statement as a whole - which includes the notion of them being more that just a refuge for disaffected Labour supporters.
  15. Ooh look, a moan about Nick Clegg thread. We haven't had one of them for a while. No doubt someone will be along later to claim we have an unelected government, but in the meantime... Your quote from him says that Liberalism shouldn't be a ghetto for those disaffected by the Labour party and you think he should regret saying that. Why? What's the alternative to that view point - that they should just be a party for unhappy Labour supporters to vote for as a protest? The LibDems have suffered for years because people have that view of them and putting a bit of space between them and Labour might actually be a good idea for the party. The place for disaffected Labour supporters is in the Labour party trying to change it - not having a hissy fit and voting for a party who's views you don't support because you have a wilful misconception about what they are about.
  16. There are four major roads off that roundabout, plus Sharrow Vale Road as that's just off the Junction Road exit. It's also right next to the main entrance to a very popular park. Where else are pedestrians going to want to cross?
  17. But people want to cross at the junction of the roads. Are you suggesting that pedestrians should be forced to walk hundreds of metres out of their way to avoid putting crossings in relevant places. If you did that, they'd just cross near the junction anyway - were there wasn't a crossing.
  18. Those terrible pedestrians wanting to cross the road. How inconsiderate of them.
  19. The shocking bit is that the person he found was a qualified psychologist. That's equivalent to finding a cancer doctor who recommends homeopathic treatments.
  20. Yeah - because gay men wouldn't be interested in men with muscley thighs running round in shorts.
  21. You also want to look at the cost of inks if you are going to be doing a lot of photo printing. That uses a LOT more ink than just normal pages so differences in ink prices will be more significant.
  22. Of course it doesn't. It does say don't ride near to the kerb though. You're complaining about something that cyclists are instructed to do as part of the official training scheme because that is the safest thing for them to do. Do you think you know better than the people the government chose to devise that training? Ultimately, your attitude comes down to a selfish "get out of my way". You haven't tried to defend your position with logic - just tried to divert the discussion on to red lights.
  23. That contradicts the advice in the government's cycle training scheme.
  24. It all seems to fit in a nut case though.
  25. There's nothing stopping the companies involved coming up with a proposal to sort this out and getting the PTE to rubber stamp it if they need to.
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