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Everything posted by Rivelin6

  1. Totally agree or James from The Blake. How about us Crowd Funding and buying it for the Community?
  2. Only ones that go to the wall are old fashioned traditional pub. Real ale pubs go from strength to strength. Look at Walkley Beer Co, expanding days it is open!
  3. Also saw them searching the area around underpass at Uni today around 10.30ish.
  4. Arthur Dyson's grave is up at Ecclesall Churchyard. I saw it when I was up there. ☺ ---------- Post added 21-12-2016 at 21:45 ---------- To add to this someone I work with is related to Charlie too. Need to get the details so I can work out via which child of Jane's ☺
  5. Nightmare when doing roads in middle of night. Had it a few years ago on Walkley Lane. I work shifts too and need sleep. Only been down less than a year and dug it all back up for gas pipes. What a waste :-(
  6. Does anyone know of the existence of a memorial inscription inside the school hall that commemorated those pupils that died in the Great War. There was supposed over 90 former pupils who died but nobody seems to have a copy or list of these names.
  7. Tuppie on here has Lee family connections
  8. Knocking it down now https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14859785_10154274730836743_8291441839211915559_o.jpg
  9. Can you post a picture or a link to the picture on here gilla?
  10. There are different forms of thyroid disorder. I was told mine was inherited and recently they have diagnosed my Dad with it. Also now aware that it can cause miscarriages and still births which I wish I'd known 20 years ago
  11. So sorry to hear about their death in Vietnam. I remember them growing up:(
  12. Hi Ash so are the appointee ones staying the same then as we had a letter/email about it at work?
  13. I can understand Ash's point about late payments but the alternatives aren't easy for a person with learning disabilities. Many people we support don't manage their own money they have appointees so carers can't easily set up an account using an app as we don't have access to their cards/ money etc. And using your own card is a disciplinary or sackable offense so that's not an option either:(
  14. Hi Mel, not talked for a while. Sorry for your loss. Hope you have time to think about happy memories too when you're back in Sheffield this weekend x
  15. I have met him on many occasions when I was a member of the Labour Party and I can say he was always a genuine, lovely man.That's not two things that spring to mind usually when you are talking of politicians. Thoughts are with his family.
  16. I agree with ash, only a few closed minded people will find someone from another country a threat. Most of us like myself wish you good luck and a happy time here
  17. They don't do anything these days as we have very noisy students neighbours at work and the police has been called numerous time but never turned up.
  18. Was it in the woods that also went along the bottom of Redcar Road? I used to remember playing in there as a kid but don't remember a house.
  19. I have it and doctors couldn't decide for a long time whether it was rheumatoid arthritis or not. I seem to get flare ups when I am stressed which is quite often with my job
  20. Surely if he called him an Irish b...... then it's abuse against his culture/origins. They technically may not be always classed as a race but the Irish get their own box on official forms like the census for race classification so therefore it could be seen as racist.
  21. Lived on Conduit Road between the ages of 5-21 and loved it. It was often classed as Broomhill. Still seems to be a very nice area but with houses increasing over 3 fold since I moved I think you'd need quite a lot of disposable income to live their now.
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