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Everything posted by TheTwirler

  1. They have been round ours last week (S3) and our gulley is blocked, someone is coming out tomorrow to fix it.
  2. Only when the winds are south westerly. Currently they are coming in from the east. To suggest the Jet Stream is solely responsible for all our weather is a very simplistic view to take.
  3. The Jet stream theory put forward is one of many contributing factors but given that currently our weather is coming in from the east, the Jet Stream has little impact on our weather at the moment. Other factors to consider are the number of solar flares/sun spots, how far south the snow has settled permanently from the North Pole, how the low pressure above the North Pole is currently moving, Pacific water temps.. the list goes on. We look like we may escape any serious snow this winter although there is still time yet. The forecast as far as Solar Flares goes is for the number to drop in coming years, leaving that small part of the relatively big picture open for heavy snow in winters to come. Would still need other factors to come favourable to give us a winter like the ones we have seen in the past 5 or so years.
  4. Depends where in Sheffield - it is a big place! But there are loads of parks etc available for a jumpers-for-goalposts kickabout, especially when the weather improves a bit. There's a good set up for womens football up here too!
  5. To be fair, I did feel like I was being trolled a little or that the poster was splitting hairs for no apparent reason. I also thought, though, that maybe I was just being a bit over sensitive because I was upset about the mindless vandalism.
  6. There is every chance they aren't, but if anyone else has had their cars damaged in the area or anyone reads it who saw the two males arguing in the surrounding streets then it may well provide more info to the police/insurance companies and then it was worth taking 5 minutes to post, wasn't it?
  7. Big shout out to the blokes last night who walked down Roe Lane at 03:30am arguing. Thanks for smashing our car windscreen out of anger and smashing our neighbours wing mirrors and window. Just what we needed this Christmas. The Police have been informed but I doubt they will be able to do much. I am not one of the people who can just afford to stump up £160 to have it replaced and neither is my neighbour. I hope it made you feel better to get some anger off and stopped you attacking someone else, otherwise it was a bit pointless really wasn't it?
  8. I spent Boxing Day onwards in a place called Morfa Nefyn on the NW coast of Wales and I can confirm it was as bad as I've ever seen, probably scarier than Hurricane Gabrielle in Florida about 12 years ago. I took the dog out on Boxing day night and it was a truly fascinating storm - we didn't stay out for long! The next day we went to a place called "Hells Mouth" which is a bay and it was really rough, waves a few feet high and loads of this white foamy stuff spraying everywhere. Again, we only spent about 20 minutes there and kept well clear of the water but we just couldn't resist going for a look, living in Sheffield I rarely see the sea anyway nevermind in those conditions. Thankfully a few trees and fences down was all we saw and the power stayed largely on, though I had no signal for days after the storm..
  9. Not sure what time it opens but if you walk along the shops from Spar, past Sainsburys and Costa is it just over the road from Costa Coffee. You can't miss it if you are stood on that corner.
  10. I disagree. Colin was notorious for signing 5 strikers a season at your place and at QPR he was allowed to bring in Routledge, Ishmael Miller and other big wages players. He's always gone up with a bit of money to spend, he'd do similar here to how he did at Leeds (i.e. nowt). Not that it matters now anyway, like.
  11. Oh Christ, just looked out of the window to see the 'repair' wood blowing away! Resigned to losing the whole panel now..
  12. Just been out making running repairs to my fence - the support plank of wood at the top of my fence panel that holds all the slats in place had broken completely so slats were blowing away and it was about to cave in and fall. Screwed some thicker wood over the top to at least try to keep it upright. Our landlord only had it repaired 6 weeks ago or so when it was windy then - think I'll be asking him to admit defeat and just get a new fence.
  13. How odd that this should be started by a Blade with #savedave in his signature. Are you lot not playing tonight or something? To answer your question - I think we will struggle with Fryatt gone and Buxton/Antonio injured as I don't see who will slot in at right back and where the creativity will come from but it might be a refreshing change to see them play with a bit less pressure.
  14. I can confirm to anyone who hasn't had experience with this, I have had a Bowen style massage before and it was relaxing and invigorating. Worth every penny.
  15. Probably best not to get too precious about it, you lot have only got 2 managers in work going all the way back to 1995 - including 10 managers out of work.
  16. None of them currently in management.
  17. I'd have got rid of him 12 months ago. Results were questionable, tactical decisions baffling and the amount of money he squandered on players like Mattock, Maguire, Bothroyd, Rodri, McCabe, Amado, Sidibe, Taylor, Davies, Mayor, Corry just off the top of my head, I never would have given him another summer and another transfer budget to waste and expected anything different. I don't like the way he ostracises players and sticks with his favourites even when they aren't fit enough to be able to go and take corners! His decision to let R Jones go and replace him with Taylor last season was baffling. One was a successful captain of a mid-table Championship club last year, one was a captain who cost his club a goal-a-game consistently before being dropped and being removed as captain. Guess which was which!!! O'Grady to Barnsley was just unbelievable, our top scorer to a relegation and local rival. 8 central midfielders on the books and none of them able to take the game by the scruff of the neck. As bad as the Irvine, Yorath and end-of-Laws-tenure days, easily. Get rid.
  18. We once rescued a German Shepherd who was just over 1 year old and he used to bark at anything that even walked past the house, nevermind came in. When he was big he once opened both the kitchen and front door and went for the window cleaners arm (we changed the handles after this, naughty boy!) He was the best dog we ever had and he'd been horribly treated in his early stages so we learned to accept the problems he had. Barking was one, even in the middle of the night nobody would come near the house. One day we woke up to find that someone had nicked all our patio furniture. Chairs, table and even the umbrella for it. Our dog hadn't made a sound! Typical! He was adorable but completely daft, I'll miss him forever. They are a very protective and loyal breed and if you get the right dog I'd have trusted my old dog with my life, so so loving. Hope you find a breed that gives you the confidence to feel safe in your house while at the same time finding the love and enjoyment as you would from the 'typical' family dogs. ---------- Post added 26-11-2013 at 00:56 ---------- P.S. we have rescued a Labrador lately, he is 2.5 years and he virtually never barks. Maybe once a month we hear him bark. The only way we'd know if there was an intruder would be his excited feet/claws tapping on the laminate flooring as he prepares to welcome whoever in with cuddles and kisses and bellyrubs. He'd make the worst guard dog in the world, but we absolutely adore him.
  19. Whilst I am glad that this issue is being acknowledged I think that this thread is a 20-page discussion on how bad they are for the area but does anyone have any actual solutions? I don't think anyone has hit the nail on the head, yet. Blunkett was wrong in his wording as I saw his article as somewhat inflammatory but at the same time, those saying that the Roma people add to the community obviously don't live or around Page Hall. What I'd like to see is a debate with people in the know. It's alright us living here saying they are loppy/rude etc but I don't think people are addressing the important issues. Firstly, I know that Roma Gypsies tend to marry and have an age of consent lower than the UK Law. Does this practice happen in the UK anyway? Are young girls being married off and having babies young? Secondly, the baby for sale story is horrendous. This thread indicates that this has come from two separate sources. Is there any CCTV of these people? What are the Police doing to investigate this? Thirdly, the recent Police presence needs to remain. I have been stunned at how often the Roma families on my road flaunt road traffic laws. They don't have booster seats, often ride with far more people in the car than is allowed. What about the activities that appear to be openly using drugs on the street? This is something else that I have seen a disturbing amount of and needs cracking down on. The cars that come and go at all hours delivering packages etc. Are the Police doing anything? Whilst them standing around littering, trying to pay for every bus with £20 notes in the hope they get let on for free, fighting each other in Tesco at the discounted food section etc. is unpleasant I feel that is less urgent than the actual stuff that doesn't seem to be mentioned much. We need to be told what the Police are doing, what their customs are regarding underage girls and the phenomenon of "bride abduction" that seems to happen sometimes in their communities, what percentage are arrested/prosecuted in relation to other cultures. We need facts and action, otherwise the speculation and bile will just reach fever pitch and it will only take a small rumour/incident to spark things off. Look at the alleged rumours of rape in Birmingham that started off riots between two communities suffering tension there. I hope that makes sense and reads how it does in my head.
  20. I understand that, but it isn't relevant to our conversation today because I am not a Nazi. They are not being persecuted here, nor rounded up for forced sterilisation or genocide. We are talking about them coming here for a better life, to escape the prejudices that exist in Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania and then breaking the law and putting their children in danger on the roads. I was simply arguing that anti-social behaviour is not just standing in large groups.
  21. I tried to have a conversation with a Roma chap today. He spoke good English and was saying that people think they are anti-social because they gather in streets. I argued that I thought there was more to it than that, for I live just outside Page Hall and I regularly see cars being driven with more people than legally allowed in, for example. We have only just moved here but I would now say I see this on at least a twice weekly basis. I was called a Nazi, Racist, Fascist for my troubles. When I pointed out that I was none of these things and was simply putting forward what I had seen with my own eyes, he said that I was trying to put forward "forced assimilation". If wanting them to behave within the boundaries of the law is forced assimilation then yes I must be in favour of it. He then retorted that we shouldn't blame the Roma people, we should blame the Police for not enforcing traffic laws. When I said they can't enforce every breach the same as when it happens with people from other cultures he actually said "White people do it, so Roma people are just fitting in with your culture". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He made every excuse under the sun, rather than just say "Yes alright there are elements of our community that do break the law in a quite visual way, and I suppose that could be partly responsible for people having a problem". Quite amazing. We never even got round to the mess caused by too many people living in one house (i.e. the bins can't take the amount of waste, so bin bags end up left on the street) or very young children playing out in the middle of our road at 10pm and 11pm. Starting to regret moving around here to be honest. My OH won't go out on her own or with the dog at night now, as she has been followed/approached a few times, with one time someone actually tried to take her handbag from her. We've only been here 4 or 5 months!
  22. Just out walking the dog and suddenly all the house alarms started going off at once. I could see some lights on in a block of flats on Roe Lane so thought it might be subsidence or something but it seems they must have a generator because the power is totally out. Was reported at 06:43 and expected to be back on by 9am. Just letting people know! Not sure how many this affects..
  23. Perhaps it explains why they are doing it, I don't think it excuses it by any means. My and my OH are as bad off as we ever have been. I don't feel the need to go into details but redundancy has recently affected us and we are going hand to mouth at the moment. I still wouldn't break the law and endanger my family and other road users just because of that. I also wouldn't move to another country with no money, break their laws and try to claim I was doing it because I was living in poverty. That doesn't wash with me. There are lots of Eastern Europeans on my road working in low paid labouring jobs and they seem to behave quite well. It just isn't an excuse.
  24. That is one unfortunate username the OP has.
  25. My sincere apologies to the family and friends affected by this horrible tragedy. I have personally known two people who have been unlawfully killed with knives in Sheffield in my lifetime and it is a sad event for everyone concerned. I'm so sorry - These actions are not reflective of 99% of people in Sheffield and I truly hope those responsible are brought to justice as soon as possible.
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