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Everything posted by TheTwirler

  1. Cheers for the advice all. I live just along the road from NGH so I think I'm going to down down about 8am in the morning. Hopefully all the drunkards will have got through but it will be before the DIY and fellow Footballing injuries! Will advise how I get on..
  2. Fair enough, I'll get myself off up there then in the next few days. Cheers lads.
  3. Hi All I thought I'd ask on here for help. I am pretty sure I have a stress fracture on my foot.. Metatarsal head to be exact. I don't think it is an acute fracture because I haven't had any nasty impacts and it has flared up from playing football. It is extremely painful, when I forget and then stand up it is a sharp pain that makes me really wince. It isn't bruised and doesn't really hurt when there isn't pressure on it apart from a dull ache after walking or playing football. I've looked online and they suggest an X-ray may be needed, but with A+E pressures being like they are, is it worth me going? I don't want to waste anyones time, but I'm not sure my GP can help either. Anyone else ever had a stress fracture?
  4. I remember when Alex Turner used to have a Sheffield accent. He might as well have had 0044114 on the drumkit because I was cringing at how he's turned out. America has got him.
  5. Sorry for the lack of update, sadly one of my siblings died so for a week or two the garden just wasn't priority as you can imagine! The other day however I did get out and get some weedkiller down. It seems to have done well, a lot of the brambles and dock leaves are dying and shrinking. When the weather clears up over the weekend I will have a go at lifting some of the dead plants out. The tarp is down however it only covers about half of the garden, so I'll leave that down for a week or two longer to really do the business on the front half of the garden before moving it further back. Hoping it will be much clearer in a few weeks and I can start to move to the next stage with it.
  6. Scraping the bottom of the barrel here, trying to cling onto an U21 fixture as one-upmanship We had one a few years ago, most of the people who go are on free tickets anyway.
  7. Powerful and compelling in his role as Tony Soprano. Very sad news, no age really is it. RIP.
  8. Unfortunately this can happen to PS3's at any time. I got one for Xmas which hadn't had much use over a month before I had exactly the same problem. Luckily I was able to get a new one under warranty, this one has had a fair bit of hammer over the past 5 months on Netflix and CoD, and seems to be powering on just fine! Best to find someone who can repair computers and see if they have repaired this problem before.
  9. At this point the garden is full of house bricks, smaller pieces of rock/brick and broken bit of tarmac, bits of wood, dead bramble that has previously been weeded but is still in good 1m/2m branches (these are what need cutting to size - It will be easier to bag up that way surely??). There's also old broken garden tools, what looks like loft insulation, bits of chipboard and electrical wire in and around the surface. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get all this out without disturbing the surface? If this disturbs some seedlings then so be it, it is necessary to clear all the CRAP out of the garden. Then the tarp will stay down until I have the correct equipment to ensure we can get rid of the weeds good and proper, before putting down some grass seeds in a few months time.
  10. Hi Chez. You're going to have to help me out with where I have ignored your advice?? You advised now to sow the grass in Summer due to watering needs - I am not going to sow the grass. You did advise to use some weedkiller before putting the Tarp down but others had advised simply leaving the tarp there will start to kill the plants by starving them of light anyway. I did also state that I couldn't get down to any garden centres to pick anything up until next weekend, weedkiller or otherwise. I haven't ignored anybody's advice, simply said I was going to prep the garden a little by removing rubbish, deciding to split where the plants will be and turf will be and then putting the tarp down on the worst affected section.
  11. Nope, because I do not smoke or take drugs. Medical purposes aside I don't really 'get' why people like to turn up to work reeking of the stuff, appearing to be forgetful and slow in their work. Just in the same way I wouldn't drink alcohol if I was working the next morning, but each to their own. Maybe someone can explain to me what the attraction is? There was a guy who lived next door to us in our previous house and he would constantly stand on the balcony smoking weed, which of course was all we could ever smell in our house. Thing is, he was on his own, in his house. If he was stood drinking in the house on his own every night, people would probably be making judgements about him. What is the difference?
  12. I voted no. I don't know enough about using it for medical reasons but I am not against the idea of that. However I am not convinced we fully understand the impact of long term use on the brain and I have had first hand dealings with people who have mental illness who have recreationally used cannabis over a long period of time. Therefore, I am not in favour of openly selling it to anyone who wants it. Maybe as a non-smoker this is a reason why I am not "for" it, if you will.
  13. Broken Sword Championship Manager (now Football Manager) Civilisation Medal of Honour (the very first for PS1) Netropolis As you can see, I enjoy the long winded games that require thought and effort.
  14. Hmm, it does seem like there is lots of contradictory advice indeed! It is worth noting that I actually know the landlord and his family, I'm not going to be hassling him too much about the cost of a packet of grass seeds and some flower seeds - I know that sorting the garden out will be met with favourable terms when we come to renew the lease in 6 months without me having to ask. Plus, it is going to be a little project and hobby of mine, so I don't mind putting some in anyway! I plan to start tomorrow, get all the bricks and rubbish and dead bramble out, do some raking and tidying and then lay the tarpaulin down over as big an area as it will cover. There is an old gate laying on the table, I will start to dismantle it and create the barrier between what will eventually be grass and what will be the flower bed. I will get more pics up when I have done a bit of work!
  15. Just put some washing out and while I was out I have taken a few pics. Bar the washing on the line, the garden is untouched and completely how I found it. As you can see, the brickwork and tarmac has been badly neglected. There are a few different types of plants/weeds growing on the garden and plenty of rubble and rubbish to clear!
  16. I don't think that the fact that it isn't involving a front-bench MP makes it any less dangerous. For example, what if someone who was responsible for advising/influencing policy was having an affair with someone who is responsible for content in the media? You'd have a situation where anyone who found out could blackmail these politically exposed persons into influencing future government policy or media strategy. Not that I know who they are talking about, I must add.
  17. On the contrary - I have asked for info and I am more than happy someone is taking the time to reply! My plan is to take some photos on Monday of the garden as it is, then spend a few days getting rid of all the rubbish on there, then the weeds etc. Then I will take some photos of it after it is tidied and maybe next weekend visit B&Q or some similar outlet and have a look at what I can get to separate what will eventually hopefully be a nice lawn and the bit that will have the flowers in! Think we will be here for 2-5 years so I definitely want to sort it out and keep it nice. Looks like the last guy that was living here had it so overgrown the postman wouldn't even deliver mail!!
  18. Hi Irene!! You are right, they most certainly are brambles (I googled just now). I apologise for my complete lack of knowledge, growing up on the 10th floor of a flat and then living in a house with no garden means I just haven't been exposed to this sort of stuff. I did look on the BBC Gardening website just after I posted this, so I had seen late summer is best for sowing the grass seeds, that's fine! I plan on getting out there next week and digging up the brambles and dock leaves and raking it over etc. There's bits of brick, metal and allsorts of rubbish scattered around but I will get it all out bit by bit, I'm not put off by some graft. I was probably thinking more wild meadow look - just something to add a bit of colour and life to the garden. Once I get the hang of that I might think about more complex stuff, but I think Summer and Autumn will be a learning curve for me and I'm happy to toddle along before I can walk Thanks for the help, I hope to contribute and update some photos to show the progress as I go on!
  19. Hi all! I have moved into a new house this week. It's a two up, two down with a back garden that used to have an outside toilet that has been demolished. Basically it has been left to overgrow and do what it wants. I know the landlord got a gardener in about 3 months ago to put some weedkiller down but that is basically all it has had. Currently it is a plot of mud with sparse bits of grass, some weeds, some dot leaves (I think they are called that? The type I used to rub on nettle stings when I was younger) and some thorny plants that look like small rose bushes that haven't flowered yet. I estimate that it is about 15-20m x 5m. I need some advice really as this is my first venture into gardening and this is my first house after flying the nest!! 1) What is the best way of getting rid of the dot leaves and thorny plants? dig them out or is there a product I can apply? 2) The landlord says he will allow us to put some grass seed down - am I OK to do this at any time of year or is it best for me to get at him to do it ASAP? 3) I am going to leave a plot right at the back of the garden as a space for some flowers. I realise that I have missed the period in which it is advisable to plant a lot of stuff. Can anyone recommend me some good flowers that I can start with that will add a bit of colour to the garden, can be planted in July and will thrive in an area of the garden that catches lots of sunlight? Plus any other general tips and things that anyone can give me would be appreciated. I am starting with a spade, rake and wheelbarrow. I can't wait to get stuck in but I thought I'd ask as I like to get an understanding of things first. Thanks in advance!
  20. Cheers Steve, it is a pity that some people are trying to pick at every little detail to try to find a hole, but that is life I suppose. ---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 14:52 ---------- This will be my last post on the subject, before I leave the thread for good. Please try to understand, we are not people who are experienced in organising demos or marches. We genuinely thought that by going in the morning, when people were supposedly hours away from marching, we'd be able to get in, have a few minutes and then leave and be well out of the area before people had started their political rallies. We were not laying flowers for Lee Rigby as the EDL were, we were laying them for someone else. A fact ignored by the UAF members who were told this in detail when we arrived. It really is as simple as that. If you wish to discuss this in person then feel free to PM me, maybe we can have a big old chat about our respective politics and you'll understand that this was nothing more than unfortunate. You can't expect everyone to be aware of every detail of political demo's all the time. We genuinely thought we'd be fine, after all, the police had NO problems letting us stroll up and lay our flowers. End of my contribution to this thread, which has become nit-picky and personal.
  21. We didn't represent anyone other than ourselves - friends and family of a soldier that died in Afghan. Some have served over there, others knew him from back here. We are not a political group, just 7 friends who paid respects to a loved one. As has been mentioned before, this is not a one off, family are constantly paying their respects and laying tributes all year round at the war memorial. We've NEVER had to inform the police before, why would we have had to yesterday?
  22. Hi Mikeyproduct. I have watched your video of the "early demo" thing and Myself nor my friends are not in the video until right at the end, where ONE comes out of the picture to try to drag someone away from arguing with a policeman and move him away up Division Street. They guy he is trying to reason with was not part of our group of 7 and this is clearly well after we had our incident as 6 out of the 7 have already left the area. Telling that the guy who was with us earlier is trying to usher someone away from trouble and is helping the police calm the situation down. That group definitely weren't us and maybe that explains the 'advance party' that some were going on about. Apologies if I have argued with anyone on the basis that I thought they were calling our group EDL members, I can now see who they meant and I am actually pleased that this kinda proves it wasn't our group. ---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 14:34 ---------- Yes, I have already accepted that maybe we were naïve. The only thing I can say to counter that is that A) we had arranged this before any talk of an EDL demo was around. We had thought we could go early, before the demo and be fine. We thought the idea of not letting a load of right-wing EDL thugs stop us from doing what we had planned was very much in the spirit of what we believe as left-leaning people - it was just unfortunate that our fellow comrades didn't see it that way. Naïve I accept and certainly won't be trying again. But I can promise that I am NOT a racist, NOT a member of the EDL and we were NOT a member of this advance party that appear to be in the video posted above. Therefore, I do not feel we deserve the criticism and name calling we have been given. We were misguided, not nasty.
  23. Apologies that I keep having to nip off and do bits, I'm helping my dad out with recycling a load of stuff from the garden. It is making it difficult for me to answer all the different bits that are put to me but hope this clarifies better; Someone suggested there was a group about 12:20 - as already stated we were around half an hour earlier than that. At that point I was in Lloyds Bar with an orange and passionfruit J2O! As for me sounding right wing. It is obvious that people are desperate to smear me as some sort of closet racist because the truth (ie - me not being racist) makes the UAF look bad in their approach. We DID tell them to go forth and multiply, that is when the police got involved. It is especially interesting to note they moved on the UAF members, not us. We left of our own accord, not wanting to cause a scene at what was supposed to be a solemn moment for us. I think it is downright disgusting that we had to justify ourselves and tell people to leave us alone, what on earth is liberal about that? Also note someone pointing out a Star article - I am not the man they refer to in the article but interesting to know we weren't the only ones there being abused that morning. Again, if people are savvy and look closely they will see there are posts here and there from people who know who I am away from the forum. They only know me because of activities where I have helped raise funds for Sheffield Childrens Hospital, Help for Heroes and Zoe's Place (a baby hospice in Middlesbrough). They also know that my politics are left wing and far from being a racist, I am a LIBERAL SOCIALIST. I'd also like to repeat that the people we had trouble with were wearing UNITE UAF badges, so if I wrongly referred to the anti-EDL demo as UAF I apologise for my wording however it was my understanding that many of the Unions and such that attended operate under that banner. Finally, the thing that made me laugh, is the notion of people on here telling me that me referring to everyone that is anti-EDL as being UAF makes me a fascist. The very same people who are saying because we were not UAF members we are rightly assumed to be EDL. You couldn't make it up. For clarity, I am left leaning and maybe as I am politically active too will cross paths with people on here in future at either party meetings, TUC conference, demos or otherwise. It will be interesting to see then whether people still think I am an undercover EDL member when they know my true identity and the things that I stand for. Nothing like a good old smear campaign in the meantime though, eh?
  24. Because we chatted to them for around 15 minutes about racism they have encountered recently. They told us they were Muslims. Sorry to not deliver the racism you are so desperate for!
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