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  1. Saw him at the Grand Hotel in Scarborough around Christmas time circa 1987/88. He was doing some sort of Snooker exhibition. There was a competition to win playing a frame of Snooker with him, unfortunately I didn't win it, but was a fantastic evening. He was there 2 or 3 days if I remember correctly. Lovely genuine bloke, R I P Ray.
  2. You'll be ok Mel, You may even be able to manage another 22 years on the rock and roll under a Labour government, or was it 23 years? Some people have worked all their lives for a living and paid all their taxes. How much income tax have you paid? And don't tell me it was a lack of jobs and everyone else's fault because us "righties" find that tedious, and the problem you "Lefties" have is you think all us "righties" are daft. Once all you "lefties" stop taking the mick and realise us "righties" aren't stupid the world will be a better place somewhat.
  3. Anybody who sticks a Labour government into power has got memory issues or was very young when they were last booted out. Tax and spend (You wont notice any difference in services but will be paying another £100 a month out of your wages if you are lucky), Return of the bad back brigade, even more out of control boat crossings and illegal immigration, more restrictions on motoring (wait till caz hits the outer ring road and incudes private cars) I know the Tory's aren't great by a long shot but Labour? have a good hard think before you X that box.
  4. Since they introduced this I used to get strip searched at the till regularly at Aldi, and I'll admit I did used to find it a bit embarrassing , maybe I look dodgy . Since then I just stick my shopping bags on the conveyor belt with my stuff and they have not checked them since. As for maybe carrying a can of vagisil or something, just stick it in your sky rocket.
  5. Never had any problems with paypal and find it very secure. It sends me a code to my phone when I log in or purchase anything, been using it for nearly 20 years. Sounds like a cockpit problem.
  6. Petrol pumps are generally a bit leaky after completion, best way is a little shaking as you have mentioned, then at the earliest moment when removing, try and tilt it back. Jobs a good un, no fuel down your paintwork.
  7. This is correct." You should only fail the windscreen if the view is significantly affected. If only the driver’s view of the sky or the bonnet is affected, it should not be rejected" pulled from the testers manual. I'm a class 4 MOT tester before someone accuses me of being some sort of armchair expert
  8. I'm leaving threads are childish. Just log out and stop posting. If you stopped going to a restaurant you had been going to for years would you announce it to everyone on your last visit? All the best but a leaving thread? No need.
  9. Get as much rest/sleep as you can, keep hydrated, keep warm, paracetamol on an empty stomach up to 4 times a day (Save one for bedtime) some nice hot baths (Sweat it out of you) Hot water bottle in bed, and some nice hot soups. Works for me.
  10. It's a pity normal law abiding electric bill payers have to pay extra to fund these scumbags nicking electric
  11. Agree. When selling a car, I also ready type up, and print 2 copies of a receipt for payment for the vehicle. It goes along the lines of- Receipt for payment of car x Registration x This vehicle is "sold as seen" and comes with no warranty or guarantee. I get them to sign both and keep one myself. It did come in handy one time when about 2 weeks after a sale, a buyer returned to my house to inform me one of the door handles had stopped working and would I be prepared to do anything about it. I reminded them the car was "sold as seen" and comes with no warranty or guarantee, showed them the receipt they had signed, and I never saw them again after that.
  12. WHSmith also own funky pigeon. That probably helps to keep profits up.
  13. I've just told you, there was a problem with the warning message. It was scare mongering that went drastically wrong.
  14. Civilians were not the intended target in that event, but there was a problem with the warning message.
  15. And why would you have needed to feel threatened during that campaign working in a sheffield city centre bar? I would bet my last quid that a place like that was way off the radar unless there was some fancy pant royal event or something taking place.
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