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  1. The Yorkshire Water blokes who unblocked the pipe near me recently said that using kitchen roll is frowned upon. Apparently it doesn't disintegrate in the sewer in the same way toilet roll does.
  2. My 11th birthday, 1962. Granny gave me a balaclava she'd knitted. It was a grey and blue 'fleck' pattern and knitted out of fibreglass fibres, sacking and nettle leaves I think. The hole for my face was roughly 3 inches top to bottom .... my face was 5 inches eyebrows to chin. The neck hole was about the same size as the cuffs on my duffel coat sleeves. My mum shoehorned my head into it somehow (without lube), stood back, and without a hint of a smirk said, "You look lovely!" Took 15 minutes (without lube) to get it off. "Don't you forget to thank Grandma when you see here next". Thank you Granny for the lacerated ears, the short experience of being throttled, the humiliation. Dad, between giggles, reckoned he'd not seen a face that contorted, squished and discoloured since he watched me being born
  3. Ignore that ......... just seen the unedited video at the start of the thread. My bad!
  4. Has anyone seen a version of this footage whereby there is no blurring of the image? The more I view the footage, the more it seems the copper is maybe stamping on the bloke's phone/hand while he's got it up to his ear followed by a kick to get it out of his hand ... which appears successful. Could be wrong of course, but that's how it appears to me.
  5. Same here. Some of the kids' parents, I don't even know what they looked like. Never went in their houses and they never came in ours
  6. Whichever one is the quietest and most peaceful for me
  7. Oi! Them is my lines lovely boy.
  8. It's not a bus route, and there's plenty of space 200 yards away on Southey Avenue. Of course, that'd mean the idle sods walking a bit
  9. Southey Crescent, between Southey Close and Raisen Hall Place is a nightmare for anyone with a pram or in a mobility device. Usually on both sides, and a couple of cretins regularly park right up to the privet with their driver's door adjacent to their front gate. Two hundred yards away, on Southey Avenue where there's no housing, there's parking for at least a dozen cars that's never used. Bone idle, lazy self-entitled gits
  10. Spot on Padders. Weeks without talking properly to real people (except the checkout bod) simply because there's nothing in common. Then you go home and discuss your day with none other than yourself. Any interaction has gone out the window
  11. I'm on my own. Wouldn't say I'm lonely, just 'on my own'. Met and married a lovely woman 37 years ago and had three boys. We'd spend hours out in the countryside together, watching the lads play and learn. It was the joy of 'our' offspring growing up that bound us I think. Sadly, as the kids got older, more independent and didn't need us quite so much we drifted apart. Seven years ago, after much bickering and frustration we separated and divorced. 'Oo good', I thought, 'I can do what I want now. Come and go as I please. Answerable to no one. Maybe find myself a 'stunner'. How wrong could I be. Where is that 'someone' when I need to share a thought? Our special places, although still special to me, aren't 'our' places anymore. When I sit down and just want to reminisce, I talk to myself. It's just not the same. That 'stunner' I sought was really the lass I'd just divorced. Would I want to get involved with someone new? I doubt it. She wouldn't be part of the best bits of my life … my memories, and that wouldn't be fair on her. No, I'm not lonely … I am alone though and shall remain so because no other bugger would have me.
  12. This pales into insignificence compared to a neighbour of mine complaining that the local blackbirds and woodpigeons ....... "disturb my sleep, and it's not fair. I'm not well!"
  13. Keeley Donovan talking about rain or something. Who cares what she's talking about Keeley Donovan
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