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Everything posted by Branyy

  1. Let me do a quick and rough calculation: Since 2000, we have 40 convicted terrorist (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_convicted_under_Terrorism_Acts_in_the_United_Kingdom ) Mean age of convicted is 41 years (estimated). Expected lifespan is 79 years, that means we have to provide 1520 years of annual prisoner's subsistence. Annual cost of prisoner was £37,543 in England and Wales (source: https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/how-much-costs-keep-prisoner-2155732 ). That makes around 57 millions pounds of total costs. There are 31 millions tax payers in UK (source: https://economia.icaew.com/news/august-2019/uk-increasingly-reliant-on-super-rich-for-tax-income ). It will cost us less than £2 extra per taxpayer to keep all the (currently) convinced terrorists jailed for life. I'd happy with that. Yes, we should increase the prison population of terrorists. Even if it's "just" someone with a knife and fake bomb vest (who actually killed 2 people!).
  2. It might be time to reconsider and update those laws then. Actually, it's already too late...
  3. Yes, we don't have to worry about him. But what about the others? Like his terrorist friends from 2012? To be fair, I'm not sure that convicted terrorists are released after 6 years anywhere in the real (civilised) world except Britain.
  4. The attacker has already been convicted for terrorism in 2012, released in 2018. He was among 9 people who plotted to bomb the London Stock Exchange. I presume the others are already out too...
  5. And also today in Netherlands, few people have been stabbed during another (possible terrorist) attack. Christmas is coming, and obviously certain groups are feeling shaky...
  6. I could say the same about original Longcol's post Anyway, pointing factual errors should be always welcomed.
  7. List of parties in Russia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_parties_in_Russia#Registered_parties Putin isn't even in the Communist Party. 0/10 - fail.
  8. I think this thread had been started to show a lack of policy needed to stop abuse of a (generally welcomed) service. And this thread also shows the naivety of people that think no such abuse exists.
  9. The fact that corruption happens in high places isn't a reason for not caring about abuse and injustice in "low places".
  10. Well then, he was a religious scholar. I've learned that he's spent years studying Koran and Sharia law. And he came to conclusion that "Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting" (his words). Shows how dangerous the islam ideology is.
  11. So Halibut, was Al-Baghdadi a religious scholar or not? What do you think?
  12. No, absolutely not, you got it confused. The original claim was that he was a "religious scholar". I've asked for evidence to support this claim. It must be based on something, right? I mean, everyone can be claimed as a "religious scholar" without a proof. Get it? What qualifies him?
  13. Yep, you are always ignorant of inconvenient truth. Now tell me, do you consider him as a "religious scholar"? I just don't think he was, he didn't fulfill the definition. But please, prove me wrong, I might not understand what "religious scholar" in fact means.
  14. Oh, you want some science? Here you go, study from US, quite recent: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-018-0201-x
  15. I'd go even further and say that wanting is not enough. We need to act and we need to find someone pushing REASONABLE actions. Which unfortunately most of the activists don't do.
  16. How do you know that? Did you objectively assess her knowledge? Do you accept all her views and opinions as correct? Apart from usual personal insults we haven't heard any of your arguments here.
  17. One might say that every terrorist is mentally unstable. Yep, re-label terrorism to mental health issue, problem with terrorism solved. 🙄
  18. I think we should look closer at motivation behind these attacks.
  19. Sorry, it's up to you to bring up the evidence for your claim.
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