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Everything posted by Branyy

  1. I've read all links you've posted. Couldn't find any evidence against him. Innocent until proven guilty.
  2. Keyword in your example is "evidence". If you label someone as a racist, it's up to you to provide the evidence, it doesn't make the person racist just because you said it. Just an example - cartoon of Serena Williams was described (e.g. by her husband) as racist and sexist. Where's the evidence?
  3. So they shouldn't pay for housing of those children?
  4. No, my masculinity and inner peace is fine. I just think irrational statements/actions deserve to be ridiculed. If you choose to ignore it instead, good for you. Why don't you ignore the reactions too?
  5. It wouldn't be the first time company/individuals made irrational decisions due to a couple of over the top complaining feminists. So it's only good to point that out.
  6. Ignoring or censoring hateful expressions will not decrease world hate levels.
  7. Just be like me, hate everyone equally.
  8. Nah, such accusations don't surprise me anymore today. However, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
  9. But it seems that she wasn't wrong in her tweet about people in debt, after all
  10. Ha! Now you can expect police knocking on your door!
  11. Why are you challenging his ethnic background? Sounds a bit racist to me...
  12. Yeah, but gender science doesn't really belong to exact sciences. Anyway, why are we discussing this again? I thought discussion has already moved to sex-specific prisons
  13. I don't quite get it. If there's no crime committed, police can't really enforce anything. ---------- Post added 12-09-2018 at 09:20 ---------- But can I joke? Can I insult?
  14. You've probably overlooked my latest post. Sure, and I'm admitting my problem. But I understand it's not common on this forum
  15. Fair enough, I got my information from outdated source ( http://www.itv.com/news/2018-09-08/south-yorkshire-police-responding-to-a-serious-incident-in-barnsley/ ) However, some people were discarding terrorism-related crime even prior to this statement. Misinformation on both sides.
  16. Let's be correct here - police has neither confirmed nor denied relation to terrorism. According to news the incident is still under investigation and police is "keeping an open mind about the motive for the attack."
  17. New characters introduced! I'm so excited! http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/35977145/thomas-the-tank-engine-launches-13-new-international-friends-for-animated-film Although, I've found more correct (not politically) version:
  18. Preserving the democracy by sabotaging democratically elected president. Interesting.
  19. You're saying that as if Gay America was somewhat inferior to Straight America. I don't like your homophobic tone
  20. Yeah, better buy an overpriced balloon. Oh, wait...
  21. We also all know it was Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, surely we don't even need their names to be mentioned to prove that. And we all know it was the moon, so we don't need that either. Also, it was one leap for PEOPLEkind, you sexist! There should be two female astronauts in the movie to emphasize this...
  22. Why do you expect Chinese to identify with Chinese only and Indians with Indians only? Sounds a bit bigoted and racist to me
  23. And why do you think all Trump supporters are morons?
  24. So does Corbyn. Or would you say he's one of the moderate ones?
  25. Ah, the usual, whoever disagrees with me is a moron. I haven't heard that in a long time.
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