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Everything posted by Branyy

  1. Don't take the choice away from women that choose to be called firemen!
  2. I've read carefully. There was only one specific suggestion from her - to rename Fireman Sam to Firefighter Sam.
  3. Thanks for sharing, so EVERY survey showed some INCREASE.
  4. It is - as evidenced by numerous religiously motivated offences. Sure, but much worse things (IMHO) in the name of Islam. Exactly, and the reasons are not always noble. Anecdotal, irrelevant. I'd use the same words for you. There's a difference between migrants and migrants. Therefore UNCONTROLLED migration really is "bad news". Nothing immoral, stupid or racist about that.
  5. At the same time religious background of the attack was known, some media didn't even bother to mention it. Classic...
  6. Is "jerk" registered and protected by law as traditional specialty?
  7. At least Donald doesn't use swear words as a part of his public speeches. Some of the Mayors' quotes are literally unpublishable here on SF
  8. Oh, so you think you're profiling people! But you're just putting everyone in the same basket as is usual fashion on this forum. Just to express myself and my views - I'm not keen on lord mayor, I agree only with some Trumps' policies, I don't care about EDL, I support Israel in its battle against terrorists, I don't care about Farage, I've always been against Brexit, I don't care about Muslims, I dislike Islam (and religions in general), I don't care about mosques as far as they comply with law, I support legal migration and am against illegal, I distinguish between refugees and economic migrants and I don't care about colours.
  9. Is Donald Trump with 91 pages here even greater success for Sheffield then?
  10. I wouldn't call myself "right-whinger" and I certainly don't think those guys are flawless (I hope I deciphered your childish nicknames correctly). However, I acknowledge that people with such stupid views exists. On both sides, actually. And you're one of them. ---------- Post added 30-07-2018 at 13:48 ---------- Indifferent.
  11. The pattern is always the same - God/Allah/Sheffield Mayor is flawless and whoever disagrees is heretic or moron. Or both. P.S.: I hope you're not objectifying those poor mormon girls
  12. Right, because according to his own words "If you have a problem with me, you have a problem with Sheffield" Can't argue with such logic ---------- Post added 29-07-2018 at 23:08 ---------- Exactly! That's what I'm taking about! Every single person who doesn't agree with you is moronic moron by definition. Glad you have figured that out in your personal religious cult
  13. I've already repeated my reasons many times here. I'll just stress one more time that in my opinion the biggest sign of stupidity is refusing discussion with opponents.
  14. Words mean nothing when the actions are the opposite.
  15. Hygiene standards shouldn't be a privilege for "upmarket"
  16. It might help, though. If the migraine is of psychosomatic origin. Still, I'd look for cheaper and more pleasant placebo
  17. Depends on the person an actual views, I guess. I don't (fully) support Trump and I rarely read Daily Mail so maybe I'm not the right person to ask, but I don't see the direct conflict.
  18. See, you're doing it again - why don't you write "SOME of them".
  19. For example, with his infamous Trump-reaction he deliberately discriminated himself from discussion with people who might approve some of Trump's views. And no, it's not about making a statement or profiling himself, it's divisive attitude. Also, at one of his earlier interviews he labeled (all) Daily Mail readers racists and xenophobes, putting everyone in the same basket. I know, it's the type of rhetoric that appeal to many of you. Still, it's divisive.
  20. The assumption wasn't wrong. It IS economic migration by definition. A person enters country in order to earn (better) money. It doesn't matter what he/she uses the money for. Nothing wrong with that btw, let's just use correct terminology.
  21. 1. He didn't say they should/should not be protesting. 2. Who on earth are these people who say that all people supporting Trump are unintelligent? ---------- Post added 17-07-2018 at 19:52 ---------- One can be critical of some of his talk/action/deeds and support some other of his talk/action/deeds, therefore ambivalent. What's nonsensical about that? ---------- Post added 17-07-2018 at 19:57 ---------- Lots of people in the UK would describe the EU as a foe. Are they all idiots?
  22. This reminds me of Dark Tower movie based on Stephen King's books. Main character played by Idris Elba. Great actor but casting him changed the story angle.
  23. On that note, is there anything Trump could do that would make you stop hating him?
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