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Martin C

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Everything posted by Martin C

  1. I fully understand, appreciate and accept why these audible announcements are becoming widespread. They're still annoying though.
  2. Fargate is certainly like an obstruction course at present.
  3. Please help an excellent young local indie band called Bedroom High Club get onto the Amazing Radio (which plays all new bands and artists) playlist. I first encountered them playing at the Frog & Parrot in late June. No registration is required and it only takes a minute (if that!) - vote for Bedroom High Club on the link below. https://amazingradio.com/shows/audition/poll
  4. Scurrilous allegations against this honourable, conscientious and hard-working public servant.
  5. Good opportunity (if so) to 'parachute in' David Miliband. Bound to retain the student vote with his wish to stop Brexit and increase the number of refugees we take in by a factor of 4-6. That's assuming he could be tempted away from his luxury New York penthouse of course.
  6. In certain pubs just ask for a free sample ("taster") of each (expensive)beer then after half a dozen of these decide you'd rather have a glass of water or even 'cooking' beer/lager. Job done.
  7. Various overheard pub conversations tonight were universally along the lines of "The man's a cretin and a complete embarrassment to Sheffield". Indeed.
  8. The Yorkshire Post are clearly not impressed by the 'Honourable' Member. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/jared-o-mara-is-what-happens-when-you-let-far-left-ideology-trump-an-mp-s-character-1-8826439/amp
  9. Big 'Well Done' to the two ladies at one of our better local pubs for maintaining their case re this charming character (& the worrying incident in WSL earlier this year) in the face of initial indifference from most.
  10. Not unknown to have to wait in Shakey while the (excellent) staff have to faff around serving free beer samples, free glasses of water or 50p mugs of tea though.
  11. I agree but we're wasting our time. Road vehicles clearly have absolute priority even on pavements. I live in hope that a pavement side wing mirror will fall off when I unavoidably come into contact with one in these circumstances.
  12. I contacted Stuart this morning about a leak under the kitchen sink. Superb response - called me back almost immediately and was called at the flat within an hour (en route between other jobs). All fixed within another hour - and that included him having to go off for a part. Friendly, professional, prompt, tidy and very reasonable charges - very highly recommended!
  13. I think most would agree with Annie that Paddington isn't by any means the best located London station.
  14. It's also a reason many fare-paying travellers might want them - to deter those amongst their fellow passengers who choose not to become customers (and other anti-social behaviour on the station). Even the keenest guards can't always carry out effective revenue protection on a crowded train between Sheffield and the first stop.
  15. To try deter freeloading fare dodging crooks (and beggars) - when the barriers were manned that is!
  16. This may be true in the early morning but is clearly not the case once the "two hour"(ish) fast trains start running from 07:29 onwards.
  17. Beggars hassling passers-by on the path adjacent to the tram tracks between the station and Park Square this evening. Hope everyone passing that way was as 'generous' as I was.
  18. As those unfortunate individuals are presumably genuinely homeless I guess they wouldn't be the type to hassle passers by for money in the same way that the most of the swarm of lowlife that descend on the city centre later in the morning do
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