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Keen Mustard

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Everything posted by Keen Mustard

  1. With regard to the parking that has been mentioned there is the intention to enforce a residents only parking zone during the festival. Details can be found here on their webpage. Looking at it, it appears to be a scheme like what happens on Wednesday's home games when many of the roads directly around Hillsborough are closed and monitored by stewards. This also includes Middlewood Road being completely closed to all for a period of 30 minutes to 1 hour when it finishes each day to allow for safe exits. Like autumn I did not receive anything in the post regarding having a permit despite living on one of the roads that will be affected and was unable to attend the resident's meeting on the 10th due to work commitments. However a simple email to the organisers got a swift reply with the "permit" attached.
  2. I have to agree unfortunately, there seems to be very little organisation afforded to the replacement bus services. The buses seem to be operating on a different timetable to the trams and even then they do not seem to be on time. Normally I have to catch an early tram (before 6:30am) and as of yet have seen no conductors at any of the replacement bus stops or on the buses, which is fair enough as it quite early. However - as has been mentioned - this means that you end up with a large number of people queuing to get on the bus in order to pay which in turn delays the bus for even longer. Oh well, I suppose the works do need to be carried out
  3. Try general planning enquiries on 0114 2039183 and ask to speak to the Duty Planning Officer, they should be able to help you.
  4. Yes they're now on Middlewood Road. Right next to the Jolly Fryer in part of what used to be Ricky's Fashions.
  5. From what I've heard Hallam University are doing something with it, keeping the facade and gutting the lot.
  6. A day on the Sheffield Forum wouldn't be complete without a thread complaining about either buses or the people who drive them.
  7. Funny you mention this. Though currently employed I have been looking for other jobs as I feel it is time to move on from my current employer. However, though I am prepared to move ANYWHERE (and I have made this quite clear in my covering letters) in the country as I have no commitments which tie me down in Sheffield, I am reminded time and time again that the job is in such and such place which is not commutable from Sheffield and so this makes me not suitable for the role applied for. Furthermore a few of the jobs I have applied for I have been told flat out that they just want local people. So not always that easy to move to where there is work in this current climate. To be fair though a lot of these jobs I have applied for have been advertised through agencies of which most I have dealt with so far have been a complete waste of time.
  8. Went to see Only God Forgives myself last night. Give it a solid 8/10, very interesting and a visual treat. The screen at the World of Cine was quite busy when we went to see it last night, and me and my mate had a bet to see how many walkouts there would be. However, not as many as I thought though as only 4 left early
  9. Agree with this totally and was arguing with a friend about this. Whilst a young person taking their own life is always a sad story I could not fathom why she would continue to visit the website if she was being bullied on such a regular basis. As long as there is internet available for all to use there will be trolls. But personally I would rather suffer the trolls than try to have censorship applied as what seems to be called for on a consistent basis. If you don't like something you see online simply close the page, heck maybe even turn off the computer and go do one of a thousand other things you could spend your time doing. Parents blaming websites for the sometimes tragic occurrences that happen due to the internet I think only highlights their own shortcomings in taking an interest in what their children actually do online.
  10. A childhood favourite of mine is back for a one off Youtube special as part of Geek Week. Used to religiously watch this....
  11. I believe it's only illegal to sell items that have passed a set "use by" date on them. These are normally mostly found on perishable food like meat, milk etc. Other things like chocolate and biscuits have "best before" on them meaning that to ensure best quality these items need to be eaten before this date, and as far as I aware it is not illegal to sell these sorts of foods after the stated date.
  12. It has obtained conditional planning permission for dividing the building into three separate units, one of which will be occupied with an Aldi and in another a Home Bargains. There will also be an extension added to the side of the existing building which will be used as a cafe.
  13. Thanks Pink, it is from Inception. "Mind Heist" to be precise.
  14. Bit of an odd request but hoping the good denizens of Sheffield might be able to help me out. Anyway, in the IMAX screen of Cineworld they play various film music before the screening starts and there is one particular piece that I can't identify. Me and my friend both agree after hearing it a couple of times that it sounds like a Hans Zimmer piece but cannot decide which film it's from. So if you have any sort of idea what i'm on about, has anyone any ideas what it is? Never cared too much about it before but since going on Sunday morning I've had it stuck in my head and want to know now as opposed to waiting until the next time I go to the cinema and asking the staff there Thanks!
  15. PPG 16 is not relevant planning guidance anymore having been replaced by PPS 5. Whilst I understand the importance of conserving our past, Archaeologists can be the bane of the construction industry at times. We often need to consult with Archaeologists to have Written Schemes of Investigation prepared as part of a planning condition, which then needs to get approved by the Council's Archaeology department of which can take an age in itself and can delay construction significantly. Moreover if anything is discovered then the whole project gets delayed even further and the costs for these delays and the fees for the Archaeologists have to be paid by the client. Both of which can begin to build up quite quickly taking the project over time and subsequently over budget as Archaeologists never seem to be in any particular sort of hurry Anyway forgive the ramblings, just my two-penneth.
  16. Hi there, i'm interested in taking part in something like this and like the idea of joining a clan with some guys from here. I am already on your friends list as K33N A5 MU5TARD, so if you see I'm online just send me a party invite and if I've actually got the game then we can have a few games if you like. Got a microphone and if you look on the leaderboards on Blops 2 you'll know I'm not too shabby at it either
  17. My word! If they make you feel old then I now feel really old! Thanks
  18. OK here we go, my top five in no particular order: 5. Suikoden, 4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, 3. Final Fantasy VII (the first and best I've played still to this day), 2. Roller-coaster Tycoon 2 1. Fantasy World Dizzy (loved that egg!)
  19. We've tried all sorts of methods for deterring cats over the years, as it seems all the local cats love doing their business in our garden, and none of them have worked. Somebody did tell me that cats prefer going on grass as they can sort of try and bury it like they do in their litter trays. However with more and more people now paving over their gardens to have patios (as has happened on our road) anyone with a grass garden is more likely to find little presents and it is much harder to keep them away.
  20. GIMP (Photoshop) for posters with mostly images and INKSCAPE (Illustrator) for Vector based designs are the two best free examples I can think of, though of course neither are as powerful as their Adobe counterparts.
  21. Not sure where you and where geographically it'd be best for you to hold a party so i'm just going to recommend Wadsley House
  22. Sorry i'm afraid it looks like it is. Take a look at this. Then have a look at Curry's Returns Policy here. As has been mentioned though surely these issues can be solved quite easily.
  23. This has been stated dozens of times on various forums. The UK price includes VAT whilst the US prices do not include for sales tax as each individual state has a different rate. The UK price also includes for import tax so really its the government who are ripping us off. Besides these prices might change in the coming future, let's just see the fight continue for now! Got to say though Microsoft have seriously shot themselves in the foot so far and looks like it might be the Sony console this time for me.
  24. There is whole range of factors and criteria that determine whether or not a building is granted Listed status. Maybe the building is important in terms of its cultural value or it is an example of certain school of thought in relation to its architecture (the reason Park Hill is Listed). Listed buildings can be unlisted and demolished if a good enough case can be made for that to take place. For example the University of Sheffield recently got permission to knock down part of old the Jessops building which is Listed in its entirety.
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