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Everything posted by The_Mommy

  1. I was also going through my loft the other day and came upon some very strange dinner plate mats. They were about 12" round and very black with what looked like a non slip surface on them. Everyone has a strange title and someone called Elvis on them... Strange, the things our parents used to put up with isnt it ?
  2. Was he the very first Muslim Crab ??
  3. Prove that the Omnipotent one did it then Irene. In less words than that crock O crap called the Bible
  4. Go down like a lead baloon... Groan.....
  5. rjc1971, do you hang upside down when you sleep ??
  6. Bloody cyclists.... fed up of picking you out of my 4 x 4 tyres.... Damn nuisance....
  7. I wondered what the numerous 'Snoopy' stickers were on the side of the City cab that I got back from the Peaks today.... Problem solved.. One doesnt like to entertain the 'lower class' taxi driver in ones social circle....
  8. Out of my window is the Washing line with all my smalls on it and that obnoxious little man from over the hedge doing something rather disgusting......
  9. What a load of TOSH ! He is a forum accepted troll as anyone with an ounce of sense will testify. He wouldnt be posting such 'Tripe' if Mr Hamza's friend's had taken one of his loved ones out in the name of Islam....
  10. PCSO's with a bit of power !!! Oh my lord, we are doomed
  11. I have a 5 month old male pet rat and he bites like a bugger ! He is fine once out of the cage but getting him out is really painful. I have tried softly softly and it isnt working. Am I left with the option of Castrating the poor little lad ?? Help save 'Rizzo's nut's' ......
  12. Which one mentioned moderation then ?? Im baffled as to how these mod quotes work ??
  13. Nurse... Quick, he is off on one again.......
  14. I lost a Tenner last week in Aldi. Did you find it ?? I found a Twenty, was it yours ?
  15. Can you make it clear where you are enforcing moderation please ? here is the quote from Mj Scuba above your post .. Glad Hamza will be slinging his hook, but there is still something thoroughly dissatisfactory that this had to be decided for us by a foreign court in Strasbourg. Why we still continue to play subordinate to the European Court and allow them to decide who we can and can't have in our own country is beyond comprehension. The sooner we reject the European Convention on Human Rights, the better. Where did that post ask for your judgement Mort ??
  16. A gun will only despatch the visitors to the garden and not cure the root of the problem. Your post is ridiculously derogatory and what you would expect of the pedantic intelligentsia on here. OP. I would suggest a trip out to either Clumber park or Bakewell and trap some rabbits with 'Mixy'. Tie the bug eyed monsters up in your garden and send 'Mixy' back to the burrows of the rabbits that are invading your garden. Slow death is a good death for rodents...
  17. I dont think that 'Manor Top' has that many people called Jocaster or Tarquin to merit siting a coffee shop there. Having copies of the Sun, The Star and sticky copies of the Sunday Sport on the counter is so not a la mode with coffee shop etiquette. Jog on....
  18. Have a look on this page Mumsy -----> https://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=childrens+holiday+charities&oq=childrens+holiday+charities&aq=f&aqi=g-bs1&aql=&gs_l=hp.12..0i8i10.11105l25608l0l30953l27l26l0l1l1l0l657l9305l2-11j3j4j6l25l0.llsin.&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=438c73ba8048f58&biw=1416&bih=702 hope that is of some help to you.
  19. No ... it means having the right to voice your own personal opinion if it falls within the law and does not incite retribution or violence. A bit like Sheffield forums rules.
  20. Sorry if you took it that I inferred you as a hardcore smack head.. That was not the point. My point was that there are those that really want to give up a habit and there are those that will abuse the situation too. I am fully aware that you are an occasional user and that you will know the shady side of the business too. hence the referral to your good self.
  21. Didnt they try that with Methadone to no avail ? The hardcore addicts simply bought and sold it for the real thing. The hardcore quitters use Naltraxone which is an opiate blocker (oooh get me being all proffesional again) and an overdose by using the real mc coy is a real threat... Im sure that fruitisbad will substantiate this.
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