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Everything posted by daniel3982

  1. Had to visit them on a school trip, the rest of the school got to go to the woods but a few of us with hayfever and the like got the sewerage works, I'm still traumatised now.
  2. Cheers for the insight and glad people have been able to keep it civil as worried it would turn into a slanging match! I guess there's certain areas that are going to be much more one than the other (like Hillsborough and Parson's Cross for the Owls and Highfield & Heeley for the Blades), always wondered if there was more behind it though like one being the team of the steel works and the other more middle class. In Manchester where I worked it always felt more that City had the South of the city and Stockport and United had Trafford, Salford and North Manchester. With City moving grounds to East Manchester though wonder if that affected it. God knows how it works in Liverpool or Dundee where both clubs play next door to each other!
  3. Best bet is find a shared house, sign on and get local housing allowance to cover you while you job hunt, sign up at as many agencies as you can and take work where it's offered and you'll soon be on your feet but at least have a safety net. Don't make yourself homeless when at the very least the DWP would cover you the cost of a room/bedsit in a shared place. Sheffield is a nice city and am sure you can make it work if you're prepared to do the hard work. I've successfully moved to Manchester, Dublin and London in the past for an adventure with just a couple of hundred in my pocket to cover my first months rent and food, never even needed to claim LHA (housing benefit) in the end, but it's there as a safety net.
  4. Yep unsurprisingly. There's Weston Park Museum which is kinda about the history of Sheffield and free. Then there is also the Kelham Island Museum which is about the industry and has a charge. Then there's a few others like Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet etc.
  5. As a neutral (well Sunderland fan) I'm intrigued as to where both Sheffield teams draw their support from and how it is split. Ie was one working class and the other more middle class, along religious grounds like Glasgow or purely geographical? If it's the latter how is it split? Would north Sheffield be more Wednesday and South Sheffield more United? Which areas of the city would you say were more Blades & which more Owls? Would Woodseats be mostly Blades & Walkley most Owls? Or is the whole of Sheffield pretty jumbled up and support just comes down to family ties/friends etc? Please keep it civil too!
  6. £400 a month would get you a decent studio in the city centre if you look on rightmove.
  7. Yep that's obviously why it's there, it's more at the end of Cemetry Road than anything else but it's definitely aiming itself for the Eccy Road market.
  8. If you like mainstream and the usual British Saturday night fayre then West Street is your best bet. If you like things a bit more indie/alternative then Division Street is your best bet. If you like things real ale then Kelham Island is your best bet.
  9. No chance of Killa being released from Sunderland, he's our main backup centre back and has really come in from the cold under Martin O'Neill and looked really good.
  10. Personally I'd go for around Hunter's Bar or Sharrow Vale in your position, failing that Broomhill or Crookes.
  11. How about around Woodseats or Meersbrook Park? Nice areas with great parks and walks on your doorstep, nice views, good local shops and transport. Would also consider Hillsborough too for the same reasons.
  12. Why the hell would you rob a travel agent wouldn't it all be paid for on cards or direct debits these days? Unless they fancied a weeks all inclusive in the Costa Blanca
  13. Enjoy it while you can, no more big exhibitions after this one due to the Art's Council no longer partially funding Sheffield's museums.
  14. Could you stay in a cheap hostel in London the night before? Get the megatrain down to St. Pancras for next to nowt, stop in a hostel, then get the bus or train up to Stansted in good time in the morning. Otherwise for flights check out skyscanner, always find the cheapest routes on there.
  15. Really great to hear so many positive experiences as we didn't really know the area other than visiting once or twice (and always in the rain it seemed!) but did really like the look of it and Graves Park was fantastic and when looking for houses it just seemed like much better value than areas we knew like Sharrow, Eccy Rd, Broomhill or Hillsborough, and access to the countryside is a definite plus too!
  16. Sounds perfect, just what we're after. We work shifts so rush hour traffic shouldn't be too much of an issue, I saw there was a few houses up for rent on Woodseats Rd, what's that like to live on? Am guessing it's quite busy!
  17. My girlfriend and me are thinking of moving to Woodseats as you seem to get a lot more for your money there (renting and buying) then some other parts of Sheffield plus it seems to have a good range of shops and pubs and when we visited Graves Park seemed really lovely too. We'd probably look to rent first (looking for a terraced house for around £500 pm) before eventually buying (budget upto about £115k). Just wondered what it's like to live in. We're both nearly 30 and work in healthcare. Like restaurants, pubs and parks.
  18. Definite no, particularly if it's not even BYOB, probably be better suited on the Wicker in that case.
  19. Does anyone have any experience of this? My girlfriend & me are hoping to move to Sheffield, hopefully to a city centre flat or a flat or house in Sharrow, Ecclesall Rd, Broomhill, Crookes etc... Trouble is she has a house cat (it's disabled so doesn't go outside). We have excellent references for our place here but notice a lot of adverts say "no pets" so not sure how we're going to find somewhere that'll accept us. Any ideas?
  20. I thought they were amazing when I went to view them, way nicer than most city centre developments and the views and finish are fantastic. I would be seriously tempted to buy if I didn't have doubts about the long term viability of the scheme being finished in the current climate.
  21. I'm studying nursing in York which is very highly rated (either #1 or #2 I can't remember) & it is hard work with little time off and sometimes placements far away but it's enjoyable too. I would say there is absolutely no difference between a BA and a BSC in this case. Personally I would recommend her to look at the place she would eventually like to live as it's much easier to get jobs in the city you study in as so much of nursing is about making connections and contacts while on placement. I really don't want to live in York when I graduate so it's gonna be much tougher for me to get a job in Sheffield coming up against people who studied there and had placements where I want to work!
  22. The pub next to the Opera House in Buxton has all football on and does an amazing carvery too.
  23. Good pub with a nice vibe and decent music usually.
  24. Surely you can keep a microwave somewhere else in the house? Or live off fresh cold food like salad, pasta, cheese and bread etc.
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