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Everything posted by FELICIA

  1. one of the dogs was shot at the scene apparently but does anyone know if the other one was found. there is a bit of chinese whispers going around a woman told me it happened at birley at six o clock this morning it didnt
  2. it really worries me when someone says they no there dog inside and out and state that they leave there dog unattended with children. my personal take is that you should never leave a dog unattended with a child and that this is asking for problems
  3. Does anybody know what's happened in beighton coppers all over the place apparently
  4. Not everyone who is homeless are scubag. Alot are ex soldiers. Chucked away like a piece if rubbish. It's so very sad.
  5. Vets will not put him to sleep they are obliged to treat wild life
  6. are you still looking i am not a registered dog walker but will gladly do it for you. i am crb checked just recently for working at waterthorpe school that is due to start in september. my name is joanna layen. please give us a ring on 07818680621.
  7. I hope so. Will keep my eyes open x
  8. I am scared of lightning so please consider before you write as I am now bricking it
  9. just wondered do you fancy joining a drama group
  10. the company is greenkings and they also own hungry horse pubs such as the gypsy queen
  11. where is your respect people. this was a serious question about a serious subject. the poor woman needs a wig not sarcasm and below the belt humour. or is it humour as its not exactly funny. if the wig is needed cause of chemotherapy then your jokes are really not neccessary or required even if it is not for this reason they are still below the belt so get a life i will google it and see if any things come up. can you tell me what hair style she requires and what colour
  12. Yes there are plenty of people like you. I am too I'm nearly 39 and have no partner.
  13. It says that the people of walk ley are accepting him and understanding his individual needs that surely is a good thing.
  14. There is a gypsy camp near me in Sheffield.
  15. If you can't find a.home for her ill take her in.
  16. Yes I agree as an outsider to sheffield who has now lived here a considerable amount of time this is what I think too. There are a few genuine people but its working out the ones that are. Quite a difficult task at times
  17. Can I just point out that that is not every body getting on well then is it
  18. Yeah you all knew what I meant if in shade then its not a problem
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