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Everything posted by ThemesUnltd

  1. Do you just bang your fists on the keyboard and post what ever comes up? You almost made a cohesive sentence then! Who's a good boy!!
  2. I think they do. We queue like no other country on earth for one. We generally have a sense of fair play.
  3. Big/swing bands are good, but because they need alot of people they cost alot of money. I guess you could get a DJ to spin some 1940s tunes but it wont be the same. Venue-wise I'd go somewhere with a proper stage if you are going for a big band, but go for something quite simple maybe an oldish church hall. Actually, the function room at the old rectory in Handsworth might be worth a go. Nice big stage, has a bar and does food, has a nice feel to it as well. They' might let you go to town with the old bunting as well. That said, we did a 1940s wedding in a working barn once and although it sounds a bit rough it was really effective and you bought in to the whole wartime thing. Not sure if that would be what you are looking for if you want 40s glam though.
  4. They look on the one on the bbc website I'd guess. I found them back end of last year and found them useful, but there arent that many.
  5. You'll need alot of space for that.You might find a similar problem though, alot of the good ones are booked. Heard good things about chesterfield marquees so they are worth a go.
  6. The old rectory in handsworth. Far enough from main roads for kids safety etc but nice outside spaces. Doubt it will cost the earth and has bar.
  7. I cant find/remember the name but there is a firm Nr Derby that has at least 12 trailers going up and down the M1, I've seen them setting out on a sunday morning on a few occaisions when i've been coming back from events myelf. A big player like that might be your best bet at relitivly short notice, particularly if its weekend work. Having said all that if you dont need it for a Sunday, go to oldcotes (which what, 10 mins from Dinnington ?) car boot sale theres loads on there the last time I went, and get some prices and see what sort of kit they have etc. Obvioulsy the last bit is no good if your event is on a Sunday, although they might know other reputable companies.
  8. We dont have the white twinkly backdrops (we do have black ones) but we've literally hundreds of others that might work for you. We might be able to sort out some drapes for you depending on the timescale.Themes Unltd and http://www.backdrophire.co.uk are one and the same so if you see anything on there you fancy PM with your date and we'll gladly quote.
  9. If you just want a painted backdrop, we've got loads for hire.
  10. You might need a different screen for rear projection not totally sure to be honest. You will need alot of space behind though. What are you wanting to project ? Is it one scene or are going to go for several images ?
  11. We have some tip top backdrops if the venue isnt huge.
  12. Is it the post / courier ? Is it the packaging ? Package one up as you normally would and send it to relative and see if and how it turns up. Worth noting that some areas have bad service who ever you use.
  13. Diabetic cup cakes? Lord knows there is total lack of good quality diabetic desserts in general. If you can crack that you have, in my limited view, a chance of a winner.
  14. I admire the bubble and squeaks, particularly their mythology / god structure ( does that make sense ?). Also find the Aztecs interesting, must read more about them.
  15. But people DO work on sundays, in London and Sheffield city centres. Do you parachute hotel staff in? Sporting event staff, do they kip on the floor from Saturday and Sunday night ? And that's before you start looking at social work staff etc etc. If they want to cut down emissions try installing 9000 electric car charging points rather than only doing half a job.....
  16. As and when the oil runs out will we "mine" old land fill sites to get at the plastics ? I know it takes years and years to degrade and arguably we need plastics more than oil for fuel unless we all want wooded iPhone 106s.
  17. Depends, is he a common criminal or a soldier, albeit one without a flag ? If he's one it should be court (technically).
  18. The inquest says the delay didn't cost lives apparently.
  19. I'd agree they don't all need to be gunslingers, the world has changed alot since 1945. But it shows a level of self sacrifice we really don't see anymore. It also shows a measured level of patriotism which is now often hijacked by right winger nutters for their own ends. But if some halfwit from oop north with half a dozen gcses knows more about British history than a Cambridge university student studying history, those who died must wonder what the point was.
  20. You dong think it's a good idea that young people don't know about our history ? Why not ? Btw I hope mr Gilmore didn't swear on a bible because, unless he is thick as two short planks and has devalued all university degrees at a stroke, he was lying. He did it for shock value only. EDIT : just read on the been that he was studying history at Cambridge !!! And still didn't know !!! Liar or an educational fraud ! Hope he does a bit of stir.
  21. If he was unarmed, sat there in his pants watching a pakistani version of jeremy kyle for the better part of three years, and deep down if he thinks he was innocent, why didnt he turn himself in ? He was 800 yards from the Pakistani army's version of Sandhurst ! He could have had his day in court ,and lets be honest, possibly got off. Its not like he would have files and files of paperwork to pin on him, like they would have done with the Nazis. Also the Nazis gave themselves up and they didnt have a history of blowing themsleves up at the drop of a hat. Besides its not like courts always get it right, just ask the parents of stephen lawrence. Also it could have been an accidental shooting, even if he wasnt armed I'm sure other people were shooting back. It was a military operation and alsorts can go wrong, its not as balck and white as Call of Duty. Just ask the poor parents of Linda Norgrove. bottom line is he's dead and that is a good thing. Justice was served, even if it wasnt done in a court of law. In the world we live in the two cant always go hand in hand, if they ever did. BTW after an execution in the states I believe they put "homicide" on the death certificate.
  22. Funniest thing I've read all day. Gold star !!
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