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Hots on

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Everything posted by Hots on

  1. Doesn't Gillette charge women more than men for basically the same product?
  2. I'm sure you're aware of the hoo-hah over an advert for Gillette razors, so I won't link to it, which is loaded with feminine poison about how terrible males are. Insulting your primary market isn't a very smart move. Men everywhere should now boycott Gillette products.
  3. Could have been put there by anyone. If the far right didn't exist the far left would have to invent them.
  4. Nobel Prize-winning DNA scientist James Watson has voiced his views in a TV programme he was partaking in which has landed him in hot water. What are we to make of this then? he can hardly be dismissed as a knuckle dragger can he? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Nobel+Prize-winning+DNA+scientist+James+Watson&tbm=nws&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwictYe4xOrfAhXTUxUIHePHDaYQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=652&dpr=1
  5. There is no reasonable justification as to why the tv broadcast and print media are heavily regulated while the internet remains a wild west free for all which it basically is, especially now given that it is so integral to everyone's lives. The TV watershed which is still largely adhered to, seems ridiculous now when at any time children can access anything and everything with a few screen taps on their devices.
  6. Mass immigration into white countries of non white people is a conspiracy, and there is no natural end to it. We require a government to put a stop to it. I'm not holding my breathe.
  7. It does rather undermine the argument put to "nationalists" about those born/living here of foreign heritage that Britain "is their country too". Lefties get their knickers in a twist when those in this country of foreign heritage are referred to as anything other than British.
  8. The de-industrialisation of Britain by globalists coupled with the chipping away of all the traditional social structures of discipline and family values by "progressives" like you over the years has ultimately lead to the sorry state of society today.
  9. The world has sympathy for genuine innocents getting caught up in violence, Damilola Taylor springs to mind; but as for those that want to play the gangster there's less sympathy.
  10. It does matter actually, initially the general public were being spun the narrative of a nice innocent boy being killed for no reason, now it is clear that he was involved in gangland crime, being a drug runner.
  11. They look like the lower end of the working class scale to me, apart from EU membership and immigration what do you think their general views will be on other things such as the NHS and employment rights and son?
  12. Because the mob that harassed Anna Soubry in Parliament square are perceived as being right wing" (a mischaracterisation in my view) there are calls from politicians and other commentators for something to be done. Well they're a bit late, what about all the left wing mobs that shout down everyone to the right of Ghandi all the time in the universities and elsewhere... such as when Nigel Farage visited Scotland and a violently aggressive mob went for him causing the police to bundle him into a pub for his personal safety, and Jacob Reese Mogg being harassed, first at that college, then more recently at his home with his children.
  13. At the working class level white males of all ages are at the bottom of the pile as far as the political and media class are concerned.
  14. You can sense Brendan O'Carroll's frustration that he hasn't been picked up by Hollywood by now.
  15. ......................................................
  16. I hate it. Its not so much the show itself, its just the snob in me despises the culture around it and the "types" of people I (rightly or wrongly, though probably rightly) perceive enjoying it, and I don't want to be remotely associated with it/them because I do consider myself intellectually above it.
  17. Lets cut right to the chase and save a lot of time...are saying that this behaviour should be enforceably banned, bogging down an already stretched police force with yet more whimsical nonsense from the snowflake generation?
  18. They're always Marxian leftists with an animus towards white males.
  19. What I'm saying is that up to now food manufacturers do, to various degrees, go along with government recommendations because if they just routinely ignored it, the government would use some enforcement. I have watched parliamentary debates where some MP's do suggest this.
  20. And its sad really because our kids when they're grown up and we're gone, won't go in our loft spaces and discover and dust off our Apple downloads will they?
  21. Naïve I know, but even though there are certain shops and business's that I rarely used, it was always comforting to know that they were there.
  22. It is so clear and blatantly obvious that the purpose of all these years of delay is so that the remain inclined young at the time of the referendum are now old enough to vote and a portion of the leave-voting older generation have died off.
  23. I think you know, like the food manufacturers do, that if they completely ignore government "guidelines" then enforcement to some degree will come in.
  24. I would say that signs stating "girls toys" and "boys toys", probably is inappropriate, and I wouldn't do it if I was a retailer... that said, certain toys will appeal to one gender more than the other and the capitalist system will and should provide for that, but it doesn't need to be explicitly stated, its just understood.
  25. Its not our fault that successive governments have built an infrastructure and a society around the individual use of the private car.
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