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  1. Yes Miss Eyre taught RE and was small and slight and wore a built up shoe. Deputy head when I was there was Miss Freeman who had a lisp....she taught everyone how to use the library so was inevitably know as Miss Fweeman fwom the libwawy. Funny you should mention Mrs Drabble showing her bloomers....I was never taught by her but was taught maths by Miss Beech. We sometimes had our lessons in the music rooms where the teachers desk was on a raised platform. This meant we could see under the desk....and Miss Beech's knee length elasticated leg bloomers lol
  2. I have been using Echo for a couple of years after having problems with pharmacy2U. If there is a problem they always contact me including when my GP had put a medication I had not specifically requested on my prescription. If I have had to contact them for any reason I have had a prompt and helpful reply.
  3. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Potters-135ml-Cold-Flu-Relief/dp/B009LKQ4E6 Is this it?
  4. My son was placed here during the week when a social worker managed to get my kids placed in shared care. It was a wonderful building with the most beautiful inglenook fireplace and mosaic floor in the snooker room My lad didn't fit in because it was full of lads who's hobby was twokking cars and my lad wouldn't have any part of it.
  5. I left in 1970... I hated the time I spent there...bullying was not confined to pupils there were several teachers who were bullies too. The head was Miss Furtado aka Fido, head of English Mrs Drabble, maths Miss (Dotty)Beech, RE Miss Eyre, Deputy head Miss Freeman, geography Miss Chadwick, pe Misses Baines, Coupland and Alexander. I also remember Mr Hood and Miss Pogson biology, Lindsey Carre who taught English and was my favourite teacher, the wonderful Miss Weaver who taught music and Mrs Sarkiss who tried and failed to teach me history.
  6. I have a dog who is scared of fireworks and twice in the past week our evening walk has had to be cut short because of firework noise....it is still October! People with dogs who are like mine or vulnerable people who are affected by the noise must be dreading the next couple of weeks I know I am.
  7. I had problems in the past but my present delivery guy is wonderful
  8. In my own school life Mr Abrahamson at Marlcliffe school....wonderful man, inspiring teacher who left me with a lifelong love of learning. More recently Mrs Skates at Beck school and Mr Walkden at Ecclesfield.
  9. I reccomend Echo pharmacy online....they got my medication to me in more or less the same time as usual and it is free
  10. My uncle Les Harrison worked here from starting as an apprentice die sinker roughly around WW2 until he got his leg crushed by a die in approximately 1980
  11. Hillsborough at one time had 3 wool shops...Matthew's and Fernees facing each other on Middlewood road just below Minto road...and one at the bottom of Dixon Road run by Margaret Hawley.
  12. Harry knows that he is not needed as part of 'the firm'. He is 6th in line to the throne so can afford to say enough...he was originally the spare heir but with the birth of William's children he no longer fulfils that role. The media have been vile to him and Meghan and on top of that he has endured the continued stories about what his mother was supposed to have done or not done. When the whole Prince Andrew debacle erupted I think it was the straw that broke the camels back. I wish him, Meghan and Archie a happy future away from the straight jacket that being a senior royal imposes. His mother was a beautiful woman who died before she got a chance of happiness so he should seize this chance with both hands.
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