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Is somebody hijacking my wireless network?


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We have an unsecured wireless network at work (not sure why its unsecured). It seems slow all the time nowadays. Is there a way of finding out whether someone in the next office is for example downloading stuff etc?


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Why is it unsecured?? Get WPA set up asap.


If you login to the router you will see what ip addresses are accessing the network. If any correspond to computers that aren't in your office you can safely assume that someone else is using it too.

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slightly off topic .

My local computer shop told me that he could pick up at least 5 unsecured routers in the flats near his shop!

I picked up one in my daughters street.

My gripe is that the instructions that come with these routers (or the sellers) do not emphasize the the dangers of unsecured connections.

A large % of buyers are computer illiterates and such trusting souls.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why is it unsecured?? Get WPA set up asap.


If you login to the router you will see what ip addresses are accessing the network. If any correspond to computers that aren't in your office you can safely assume that someone else is using it too.



cool thanks.


Not sure why its unsecured really.. have to get the IT guy to look into

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slightly off topic .

My local computer shop told me that he could pick up at least 5 unsecured routers in the flats near his shop!

I picked up one in my daughters street.

My gripe is that the instructions that come with these routers (or the sellers) do not emphasize the the dangers of unsecured connections.

A large % of buyers are computer illiterates and such trusting souls.


i see what you mean but people should take responsibilty for themselves


switch cards don't come with a leaflet saying 'warning: don't tattoo your pin number onto your forehead' either ;-)


it's no good putting loads of personal information onto a computer then connecting it to a public network without looking at how to secure it

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