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About alternageek

  • Birthday March 30

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  1. yeah.. id happily take him if i wasnt 3,000 miles away at the moment!!! poor pup. ---------- Post added 23-04-2016 at 23:46 ---------- ps, it looks like shes taken the post down after people telling her off.
  2. A friend of mine shared a post about someone wanting to rehome their dog.. Reading through the mess of replies, turns out the dog isnt even hers, but a friends. Says cant care for dog because shes had a kid.. What would you do in this situation?? It seems all a bit off and I want to make sure this dog is okay....
  3. i went to the original in leeds and found it be a bit meh. their take on a iced tea wasnt great, lacked any real flavour or taste. just tasted like someone threw a cheap teabag in cold water. found the menu over the top. stick to a smaller menu and a specific style. much prefer smoke in town. mmmmbrisket...
  4. its flat pack, if that helps, so assume it could be anything from argos quality to ikea and beyond..
  5. diazepam seems to be the only real thing that works for me... though my anxieties tend to happen at night, so it triggers insomnia as well. the diazepam relaxes me enough to get enough sleep to function the next day..
  6. the only people i know supporting trump are those who are retired, tend to be from middle america and never really ever left us soil or has never interacted with someone who wasnt christian. as a ny'er and knowing how much of a joke he really is, its kinda sickening to see people support him. making up lies about what happened on 9/11 (the families of the tower victims have called him out for using their families deaths to spew lies) in new jersey and worse. i wouldnt want someone who has been bankrupt at least three times in his professional life, lived off handouts from various states to support his ventures (aka tax breaks) and more. i mean, the ny press hated him for years. i remember seeing serious newscasters breaking up laughing when trump air went bankrupt. count downs to when the taj mahal - in atlantic city, would close it doors and more.
  7. Yeah.. It had closed a few times in my lifetime (Im in my late 30s) I'm sure someone else will buy the brand and re-open the store.. Its too much of a landmark to sit quietly closed... I think the current owners is Toys R Us (who is also closing their Times Sq flagship due to rising rent costs and relocating it to New Jersey)
  8. Hells Kitchen is a area of NYC - like the Village or the Upper West Side. It used to be one of the worst parts of NYC, when I was a kid, and now one of the most desirable. Edit: If youre talking about the TV competition show, thats filmed on the outskirts of Los Angeles, California. Rockaway Beach - you can get the LIRR from Penn Station (34th & 7th) which is below Madison Sq Garden. The Ramones wrote a song about it, so its gotta be awesome. If youre into sports, you can go to the Bronx and do the NY Yankees stadium tour. Takes you around the ground and into the team locker rooms. You get to sit in the dugout and everything. Think its about $20 a person and the Subway stops right outside the stadium. MSG (Madison Square Garden - where the Rangers and Knicks play) do one as well, so you can see the basketball court (or the ice, depends on what team is playing that night) and get a walk around the whole place. I know when concerts are on you might be able to watch the soundcheck as well. ---------- Post added 04-12-2015 at 18:29 ---------- Now closed due to high rents in the area... Peter Lugers is the place to go for steak and just steak.
  9. 18-25% is the average cost of tipping in NYC. If at a bar, give the bartender $1 per order - or tip 20% on a tab. Get a Zagat guide (theres an app in iOS/Google/Windows stores) or you can get a book) Its like Yelp, but better, for food.. Foursquare is a good reference and free. Zagat use reviews from both the general public and their own and the guide can cover everything from hot dogs to 5 star/3* Michelin dining.. Most places you cant really go wrong. For NYC pricing thats about the average cost of of a pint or bottle. I mean you can go off the beaten track and find where the locals go, but youre really not going to save that much cash.. Also mixed drinks are rough pours.. So you could get something that was mainly booze with little juice, for the extra price. NYS/NYC doesnt require measured pours. Coney Island is such a dump. The Wonder Wheel and the Cyclone is probably the only reason to go visit, but its not worth getting mugged while sight seeing.
  10. i know Costcos own brand, Kirkland, tends to be a repackaging of big name brands - just made available in larger quantities. I know the Kirkland wash tablets are US Tide, so really good laundry tablets, and not a brand you can find in the UK. Their own vodka is actually Grey Goose and about £8 cheaper and gives you twice as much as the Grey Goose Costcos own gas is really good, but only a deal if you live near by and or shop their regularly.
  11. well theres food there, loads of overpriced chain restuarants really... theres plays and musicals, as youre near the theatre district about 15 minutes walk south, theres shopping with macys, old navy and more. stay away from the electronics stores that are dead centre in times square though - rip off and lots of fake electronics. times square is dead centre of the city - all the subway lines run through it. its gets super busy on the weekend and at night, so protect your pockets! theres a live webcam, to give you an idea of what its like: http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/?cam=tsrobo1 ps: watch when crossing the street! cabbies think they rule the roads and not afraid to run you over.
  12. Some stores were saying theyll make it up with further reductions in the run up to Christmas. I dont get it... My family never participated in it (if we didnt have something for thanksgiving dinner, we didnt serve it, plan as) and didnt go near a store for almost a week after Thanksgiving.. We lived off our leftovers and my mother normally had the Christmas shop done before school began in Sept. She did a lot shopping the day after Christmas to stock up for the next years.. (No Boxing Day in the US) The Independent posted a video to FB about the difference between US BF and UK BF.. US we were all crazed monsters after some sub par tv and in the UK, stores served mince pies while waiting and people queued in an orderly fashion.. Its a stupid event that should never have been brought over...
  13. Americans tend to stick the cutesy side of it all, in the terms of childrens costumes. Everyone here thinks it should be "scary", "gross" and "creepy" Americans just use the day to have fancy dress, in all realness. Theres also the side of halloween thats missed here is the pumpkin patches, hayrides, corn field mazes and non-alcoholic cider drunk. The evening side is for the adults, with haunted houses (with gore), boozy parties and evening parades.. (Seriously the parade in Greenwich Village is hard to beat) If you want to blame us for shoving our hols in your faces, at least appropriate it correctly Also, Black Friday is for the birds. Shoppers were down this year as loads of stores opened at 4pm or earlier for their sales to begin. Disgusting really, that time should be for employees to be with their families and sitting down to eat their dinners - not running out the door so people can spend money on things they dont really need or worth the value sold.
  14. ^^ this ^^ all of my friends were grateful for later items.. ive gone as far as giving clothes up to 24 months. Newborns and under 6 months clothing dont get a lot of repeat use, but the older stuff will. Also try to go as gender neutral as possible, so your friends can reuse them when they have another little one. if you want to give something to help with the newborn stage, try making a casserole or some thing they can freeze and reheat when they arent awake enough to cook, but starving.
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