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Prince Edward School, 1940/50/60s

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I was at PE infants and juniors until 1961

I remember Mr Vernon Cross Headmaster ..he smoked a pipe and he used to pick up the little girls !! I remember the smell of his pipe tobacco.

I don't think anyone has mentioned Mr Bellamy He used to walk down the rows of desks and whack the boys on the back of the head if they weren't paying attention !

I also remember Mrs Gilson and Miss Stephenson as well as Mrs Webster.

My sister and brother [ also on this forum ] went to PE too and later on my son was there.


Some names I remember are Terry Dell Elaine Kay Jean Tilney Alan Kitchen Michael Oldale Mick Szymanski Peter Briggs Susan Foulstone Susan Jackson.


I am sure more will come back to me

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Gypsy dave, Val isn't a twin but does have twin sisters Pam and Barbara.


thanks for that lucylac . i can remember now , i used to go to school with val in the early days at p/edwards and can remember a lot of people on this forum i.e barry grimbley.tony whitley.billy white .jimmy summerscales,georgy o/brian,david roberts.jacky cole.david cope, buny[brian] fitszpatric, john mellor, harry maichin ,and all the mattymores that lived across our back garden,on whindyhouse lane i could go on for ever but the old brain box needs a quick re vamp now all the best dave

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Hi Val


I remember you well as I am a friend of Pam's. We have known each other for approx. 40 years. I haven't seen Barbara for a long time though.


The last time I saw you was at your house when your parents were still alive or it could have been at Pam & Barbara's 60th Birthday bash.

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  • 10 months later...
did any one attend prince eedwards school in the sixties. the headteacher was a small bald headed headed man called mr thomas we used to call him tomcat.the teachers i remember were mr brown mr graham mr white miiss robinson im sure there was a lot more put my memory fails me


I was there at that time, anyone remember John Roberts who punctured all the

teachers tyres?


---------- Post added 08-02-2013 at 10:57 ----------


I was there at that time, anyone remember John Roberts who punctured all the

teachers tyres?

A few names i can remember Diane Dell/ Rodney Whiffin /Elaine Hutchinson /

Carl Stevens/Dave Lee/Linda Brown/Duggy Fairfax/Mick Shepherd/Carol Davis/

Leslie G---/Doreen &jean Crooks/David Cope/Joe Fletcher/Dennis[bunny]Briggs/

Mattimore family/-----Housley.

I was at P/E from 1953 Through to leaving at 15 in 1960.

1st job was in Shaws Butchers opposite the school.

anyone out there ,please get in touch.

Edited by badboyme
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i left prince edwards for hurlfield in 1975 i was in miss kingdoms class with


paul townsend


mark dodds


vaughn steel


karen wilson


wendy ball


heather dealy


gary needham


can remember loads of faces but forgot their names ..well i am gettin on a bit:|


I remember Gary Needham-he was a friend of my brothers, think he lived on Fitzhubert Rd near the junction with Windy House Lane (top of estate) if thats the right one.


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I remember Gary Needham-he was a friend of my brothers, think he lived on Fitzhubert Rd near the junction with Windy House Lane (top of estate) if thats the right one.


Little Mr Thomas was Headmaster and he gave me plenty of stick.

ONE OF THE TEACHERS EITHER mr WHITE OR brown had two different canes

and used to let you chose which one you wanted to be whacked with.

We had Mr Bluff as Woodwork teacher, he was good.

I lived on Queen Mary Rd opposite a garage site , Just below Wulfric Rd, i think it was 104 Q.M.Rd

with 2 sisters Dorreen & Jean who both attended P.E school though they are older sisters.

The names Wendy Ball & G.Needham ring a bell but i am not sure if i've read

them in the forum.

Why do the people on forum ,Not give their names/maiden names. I have only just joined the forum and i suppose there must be a reason for not doing so.

Nice to hear from you,Thanks for replying

regards John


---------- Post added 10-02-2013 at 18:03 ----------


I went to Prince Edward in the Infants and Juniors and all those lads were in my class. Some other names I remember: Ian Ashton, David Nichols, David Straw, John Kenyon, Mick Shaw, Robert Wells, Some of the girls: Vicky Dell, Marlene Bodell, Susan Haywood, Sandra Hewitt, Josephine Hobson, Wendy Grice, Valerie Hopkins, Jean Haigh.:)


Hi Merrydown

Sounds like i was there at same time, i remember those names too


---------- Post added 10-02-2013 at 18:04 ----------


I went to Prince Edward in the Infants and Juniors and all those lads were in my class. Some other names I remember: Ian Ashton, David Nichols, David Straw, John Kenyon, Mick Shaw, Robert Wells, Some of the girls: Vicky Dell, Marlene Bodell, Susan Haywood, Sandra Hewitt, Josephine Hobson, Wendy Grice, Valerie Hopkins, Jean Haigh.:)


Hi Merrydown

Sounds like i was there at same time, i remember those names too


---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 13:57 ----------


Little Mr Thomas was Headmaster and he gave me plenty of stick.

ONE OF THE TEACHERS EITHER mr WHITE OR brown had two different canes

and used to let you chose which one you wanted to be whacked with.

We had Mr Bluff as Woodwork teacher, he was good.

I lived on Queen Mary Rd opposite a garage site , Just below Wulfric Rd, i think it was 104 Q.M.Rd

with 2 sisters Dorreen & Jean who both attended P.E school though they are older sisters.

The names Wendy Ball & G.Needham ring a bell but i am not sure if i've read

them in the forum.

Why do the people on forum ,Not give their names/maiden names. I have only just joined the forum and i suppose there must be a reason for not doing so.

Nice to hear from you,Thanks for replying

regards John


---------- Post added 10-02-2013 at 18:03 ----------



Hi Merrydown

Sounds like i was there at same time, i remember those names too


---------- Post added 10-02-2013 at 18:04 ----------



Hi Merrydown

Sounds like i was there at same time, i remember those names too




YES that is me and my sisters.

i remember letting in the new year at your house, your mum would'nt let

anyone else do it, i used to black up for her and she said i brought her some good luck.

Our Dorreen who is on facebook/skype now lives in manchester and i bet she'd like to hear about your Joyce, i remember joyce too. What is your first name, is it sandra or Jean & what age are you now[sorry to ask]

thanks for getting back to me.

john R

Edited by badboyme
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