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Putin Interview

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Putin's offered to end the war several times, with a variety of changing terms attached.


He's also laid claim to parts of Ukraine his troops don't even control.


No-one can trust a word that comes out of his mouth.

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6 minutes ago, geared said:

Putin's offered to end the war several times, with a variety of changing terms attached.



usually with the idea that Ukraine capitulates to Russia

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4 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold.

Oh, but wait, if only someone had been telling people this.   🤔 

No doubt most of you will still believe the western mainstream narrative though. 🙄

Maybe if someone had provided links to a reputable source for the claim they might have been listened to.

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Putin's hoping that the Americans will do the job for him, withdraw their support and force the Ukranians to accept whatever terms Putin sets.



Ukraine has warned that it may not be able to successfully defend itself against Russia without Washington's backing.

The US, which is the biggest provider of aid to Ukraine, has been unable to provide further aid since December because of the political gridlock in Congress.



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Not sure how Ukraine benefits from Putin bumping off another political opponent?  There'll be some protests, but the Russian state is pretty efficient at cracking down on those.


The Russians are set to take a town in the East of Ukraine Avdiivka.  They've thrown tens of thousands of men and lost large numbers of equipment in the process.



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Not sure what Tucker Carlson expects to achieve with this interview?

His 15 minutes of fame perhaps?

To support Trump's quest for the White House perhaps?


Personally I reckon Putin has something on all of them from some historical, debauched weekender in Moscow perhaps and therefore they do his bidding when asked?

He is a KGB thug after all.

Who knows.


None of it will make a difference.

Even if Trump is elected and decides to abandon NATO it will make no difference...Europe will unite (except the usual suspects) and ramp up it's own defence...which will be more than sufficient.

We might even reclaim our airbases in East Anglia from the Americans if they get arsey...which won't go down too well.

As a result it is all bluster and will never happen.

America needs Europe more than ever...we are fellow democracies and democratic allies are thin on the ground these days.

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22 hours ago, crazyhorse said:

Not sure what Tucker Carlson expects to achieve with this interview?



Set himself up as the go-to person for interviews of people no other American journo can reach.



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