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Old Age Pensioner

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38 minutes ago, spilldig said:

O'k on all that echo, but as I have said before gimmicks like the free bus pass, with strings, and the other "freebies" etc,  treat OAPs like second class citizens and are  an insult to OAPs  dished out by government in lieu of having the worst old age pension in the civilised world. 

Tell me what freebies a pensioner gets.  Forget the Buss Pass for starters because its not free.

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1 hour ago, spilldig said:

O'k on all that echo, but as I have said before gimmicks like the free bus pass, with strings, and the other "freebies" etc,  treat OAPs like second class citizens and are  an insult to OAPs  dished out by government in lieu of having the worst old age pension in the civilised world. 

I totally agree. Plus all this media coverage that never forgets to emphasise 'all the rich old age pensioners' which most of us most certainly are not. 


Some of us might be lucky enough to own our own houses, but there is very little suitable and affordable to downsize into, so it's not anything we can liquidise and spend on day to day comforts like heating and eating. 


OAPs are certainly treated like second class citizens, but then we are considered to be 'just an unproductive drain on the nation's prosperity,' (somebody actually said that to me.)

Forget that we have worked and paid into the nation's wealth for upwards of 40 years and got very little back for it. 


And don't get me started on the cost of care home costs, (average £4,000 per month) for minimal care, and care in your own home even worse averaging £25 T0 £33 per hour or part of an hour, baring in mind that the lovely people who do the work are only on minimum wage and have poor company working conditions as well. Somebody is making a mint at the expense of OAPs and it isn't the workers.

Be sure 99% of us we will all need one or the other before the end and still no cap.  

Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

I totally agree. Plus all this media coverage that never forgets to emphasise 'all the rich old age pensioners' which most of us most certainly are not. 


Some of us might be lucky enough to own our own houses, but there is very little suitable and affordable to downsize into, so it's not anything we can liquidise and spend on day to day comforts like heating and eating. 


OAPs are certainly treated like second class citizens, but then we are considered to be 'just an unproductive drain on the nation's prosperity,' (somebody actually said that to me.)

Forget that we have worked and paid into the nation's wealth for upwards of 40 years and got very little back for it. 


And don't get me started on the cost of care home costs, (average £4,000 per month) for minimal care, and care in your own home even worse averaging £25 T0 £33 per hour or part of an hour, baring in mind that the lovely people who do the work are only on minimum wage and have poor company working conditions as well. Somebody is making a mint at the expense of OAPs and it isn't the workers.

Be sure 99% of us we will all need one or the other before the end and still no cap.  

For some of us it’s being so happy that keeps us going!




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2 hours ago, echo beach said:

For some of us it’s being so happy that keeps us going!




True. Being happy is just a state of mind. Do we have a choice, or are we born 'glass half full or empty' do you think?


Personally I have the luxury of a choice, I am generally 'glass half full.'

I have sufficient income etc to allow me to be contented, and am well enough to get a great deal of pleasure out of life. 


But I am also aware that not everyone is so lucky, and money worries or ill health, pain, etc can ruin life, and I want to do something about it! I suppose that's why I am regarded as a bit left wing. But I moan on other people's behalf because I can.


I see need all around me, in every age group. My volunteering days are mostly behind me, (although I love looking after other people's dogs if anyone's interested,) so I suppose all I can do is 'try to raise awareness' to give it it's modern parlance, (which I hate.) I just call it looking out for people and trying to help if I can.

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